Confused where to go for help

on 1/14/08 1:04 pm - Walker, MI
I had a RNY a few years ago and am almost back to my pre-surgery weight. I'm sitting here crying so hard I can't hardly see to write. I need help. I have serious arthritis in my hips and knees and have terrible pain when I walk, or do anything requiring weight bearing use of my legs. What do you recommend I do to kick start myself BACK on track? Should I go back to week one of my surgery meals? *shudder* say no please! What exercise would I be able to do that will help! I can't do water aerobics, because even though it is non-impact at the time, after I get out of the pool, the movement bothers me and I quit going. help please. Leslie
on 1/15/08 3:30 pm - Willits, CA
Hi Leslie, I realize that I will probably be slaughtered by what I'm about to say but I feel strongly enough to still go ahead and say it....unfortunately over 65% of those who have the RNY regain their weight within one year after they've lost it, the majority of them regain it all and then some, maily because the stoma created stretched as well as the pouch and over the course of a year created one long tube.  I honestly feel that the best way for you would be to start over with the DS, I have talked to several women who, like you, regained all their weight after having the RNY, they were able to lose a lot of weight but then it all came back then some so they had a revision to the DS, I'm not saying to just take my word for it and go do it, I'm saying go to the web site and ask questions, do a little reserch, talk to others who have had the revision, I was like you, my arthritis prevented me from doing aerobic exercises, walking, housework even water aerobics hurt and that was while I was in the water, between my  arthritis and fibromyalgia I was bed ridden some days and on a good day I was able to walk out to the living room and sit in my recliner, it wasnt much of a life and I lived like that from age 46 till 2 mos before my 50th birthday when I had my grds, it was the best decision I've ever made in my life and my heart goes out to you, I've been where you are and I didnt want to have to go through it more than once so I had the grds.  I hope you dont take offense to my response, that's not my intention, I hope I've been some help and I wish you all the best.  Please keep in touch and let me know how you're doing. ~Melody
on 1/16/08 5:19 am - Lexington, SC
Hi Leslie, I am so very sorry to hear about what you are going through, I believe that there is hope for everybody.  It's great that you want to make a change, and going through another surgery may not necessarily be the right answer.  There have been members that have gotten back on track after sliding way off track, it does indeed happen, but the key is NOT to give up or give in to think you have failed, please don't think that way.   This is definitely not an easy journey, from the get go before we have surgery to being post op, it's not as easy as people do think. I do believe that you can get back on track, and there is a great support network here.  The WLS Grads forum have many members experience similar experiences.  They span from going back to basics to making small changes that make a big difference.  I commend you for asking for help.  There are resources to help you and you have our support. :) Please keep hanging in there.    ~Shannon
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