Hypoglycemia - help

on 1/14/08 12:22 pm - Northwood, IA
Hi Everyone!  I am starting to get more and more hypoglycemic all the time now.  I never eat white refined carbs, only whole grains.. and limited amounts.  However this is my dilemma. I am below goal.. my protein is already sky high like over 100 grams even up to 125 grams some days and my fats are maxed out too.  The only thing to add is carbs.. so I have been getting over a 100 grams now and when I do.. i drop all the time.  I also added strength training to my running routine.  I run 2-3 miles 3-4 times a week and now strength tranining 2-3 times a week 45 mins at a time. Ever since I started this a few weeks ago, blood sugars dropping left and right.  I do a protein bar usually before and after the gym.  I am a nurse so really do know how to control these things normally.. but for WLS patients of course its a whole nother ball game. I am below goal and adding cals to stop my loss but find that if I eat too many even good carbs, I just drop like mad. Partially I think this is my fault b/c I detoxed from carbs (especially bad ones) 6 months preop.  I think my pancreas is still spitting out insulin like I am a diabetic even though I don't need that much and with the fat loss, there are more receptors available on the eyelet cells to uptake that insulin for my cells.. = disasterous, low blood sugars. I am very tired of it.  I eat 6 times a day.. I am doing everything I am supposed to.  I may have to give up the strength training.  It's been worse since.. any thoughts?  Thanks everyone. 
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

(deactivated member)
on 1/14/08 9:51 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Melissa.  If I were in your situation, I'd consult with a nutritionist and perhaps an endocrinologist as well.  Your situation sounds complicated and you may benefit from some professional medical advice.  As knowledgeable as we are after educating ourselves about diet and exercise, there are still things I don't fully understand about our metabolism, regulating blood sugar, how exercise affects blood sugar, etc.   Other suggestion is to contact a woman named PJ who's pretty active in the BMI Over 50 forum.  She is also a heavy exerciser and has issues w/ hypoglycemia, which I think she has pretty well under control.  Perhaps she can offer some suggestions that would be helpful to you.   Good luck finding a resolution to this situation -- and soon!!! Kellie
on 1/15/08 10:20 am - Northwood, IA
Hi Kellie, thanks for all of your support and recommendations on this board, it helps me a lot. I will seek the help of an endocrinologist if push comes to shove.. today has been ok but of course a lot less carbs and no weight training today.
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 1/14/08 11:47 pm - Danvers, MA
Just another thought...you may just have to postpone getting on the weight training routine until your weight has stabilized. I know you're struggling with this...and I know you're doing everything you need to do. Just wanted to offer some support. *hugs*

on 1/15/08 10:21 am - Northwood, IA
Thanks Amy.. I think I will back off a bit on the weight training for now.  I do agree with ya :)  Thanks for always being there as my friend :)
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 1/15/08 1:16 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello Melissa, When did you start adding the protein bar in to your diet ? When you started to do your strength training ? did you always eat protein bars throughout your weight loss journey ? how many protein bars do you eat in a day ?   ..2 - 3  protein bars ?  before you workout ? the reason i ask is because when I eat protein bars....  i also bottom out and get low blood sugar. there is SOMETHING in the protein bars that I CAN NOT HANDLE ANYMORE they get me so sick .... and i get LOW blood sugars. the same thing happens to me when I eat store bought pudding. ( Sugar free ) if you normally do not eat protein bars. what I suggest is to stop eating the bars before you workout. and see if that helps you a little. eat something else other then the protein bar. protein bars are not a good food to eat. you may be like i am, and you are very sensitive to protein bars. before you workout , you should eat something more nutritional that will give you enegry that lasts oatmeal and eggs will give you better fuel then a protein bar. i weight train and this is what i eat to help me get through my workouts. and i have not had a blood sugar effect since I stopped with the protein bars. and stopped eating the sugar free puddings. i agree with both posters up above. i would wait on weight training and just do light exercises ( like DVD exercises ) and do your running............ until your weight evens out and stabilizes. i understand that you want to get to your ULTIMATE GOAL weight but being that you are UNDER WEIGHT .... and CAN NOT STOP your weight loss ( unless you don't want to stop your weight lost )   now that is another story....  although if you exercise VERY intensite like this.... may cause you more problems then it does good. i would call your nutritionist and sit down with them and  they will give you a proper diet plan to match your exercise routine. proper nutrition is especially critical for your performance being that you are a WLS patient. eat regular foods before you workout. don't eat supplements like a protein bar. you do need calories ( because you are burning ALOT ) and a protein bar  is not going to cut it..... eat more regular foods..... i truely know you are trying your best to stop this low blood sugar and get it under control again i do agree with Kellie , you should see a nutritionist and a endocrinologist. being that we have WLS , like you said , it is very tricky to understand why and how we get this way and bottom out.... you might now be very sensitive to carbs.... even to the GOOD carbs. because your carbs are to the max and because you are weight training AND running you should eat that amount of carbs. i am very sorry you are struggling with this. all my best to you i know you will find your answers because you NEVER give up on trying! YOU'RE THE BEST MELISSA please let me know how you made out with this problem keep us updated please.... good luck to you hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

on 1/15/08 10:24 am - Northwood, IA
Hi Lizzy.. You are always there for me! Thank you so much! I have eaten the bars since 1 month out, same ones.. and never dropped like this before.  I think its a mixture of my body chemistry changing with all the weight loss since I only weigh 132 lbs now and that my pancreas just can't keep up.  It happens with apples.. it happens with whole grain pitas, it has even happened with yogurt.  There is no ryhme or reason unfortunately.  I think this past year my body got so used to protein protein protein that its freaking out with all the exercise and change in dietary habits (more good carbs) and just doesn't know how to respond.  I will get it figured out and will try alternatives to bars and see if helps.  Thanks so much!  Love ya!
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

(deactivated member)
on 1/15/08 8:14 am, edited 1/15/08 8:34 am - Gilbert, AZ
Melissa. I was also having these horrible drops in my blood sugar. I was also eating protein bars twice a day and once I changed them to another source of protein I have been stable. I think it might be the sugar alchohol in the protein bars. I would get shaky and felt horrible about one hour after wards. This has been happening again to me recently and found it was the ready made protein shakes I was drinking. For some reason they would make my blood sugar just drop horribly low. Good luck to you.
on 1/15/08 10:22 am - Northwood, IA
Thanks Jeremy.. I will look into this as well.
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

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