Needing a little help from those that can relate!!!!

on 1/6/08 4:48 am - Houston, TX

Hi. I haven't been here in about a year in a 1/2 and I didn't realize how much I missed you guys until now. I had to come back because I need a little word of advise and I guess a kick in the pants all in one.

Less than 3 months ago I was a solid 10/12 a great thing for me coming from a 30/32 in 5/2005 a month before surgery. I was active, working two jobs and feeling good about life. But then I got engaged to a suzy Q eating at 12 midnite, whata burger, wanna make love 24 hours a day then eat and not do one lap around the park king. And now I feel tight and my steady 10/12 has gone to a floppy 14/16. AAUUUGGHHH!!!!

I tried to walk the park on my off days because my job schedule sucks only to be met with my now ex-fiance' accusing me of meeting a dude in the park. He was such an Ass--le. But I say all of this to say this how can I get back on track!!

I feel tired all the time, I am double depressed seems as though do to the loneliness, and the gaining of the weight. And I think that I have stretched my pouch, I am not for sure. And to top it all off I am pre-menopausal and I have taken to have cravings for the household cleaner Comet. It used to be Faboluso, and anti bacterial hand cleanser (the clear kind) but I have found that Comet tastes the best out of them all. Don't know why this craving all of a sudden, and I try very hard not to even go around a can. I know that all of that sounds a bit much and I have called my bypass Dr. only for him to pass me on to someone else because of the Comet. But I will be forceful this week as of monday to secure an appointment with him due to my concerns of the weight issues. if anyone has an encouraging word I will take as well as the kick in the pants because I know that it is necessary. Thanks for listening, Marie.


on 1/6/08 5:24 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Dear Marie, Sounds to me like you could have a severe iron deficiency (with craving household cleaners). I've not seen this in bariatric populations, but it's the only thing that makes sense to me on why you'd want to eat Comet - or any other household cleaner for that matter. In any event -- you need to see a doctor ASAP - either your surgeon, a primary care doctor ... who ever you have access too ASAP. You will need to have a blood draw to fully assess the situation. I would NOT recommend dieting until you figure out why you are eating Comet & correct that problem. Your problem is NOT your weight right now, it's the fact that you are eating non-food items. You need to see a doctor very soon. If you can't get in to see your doctor soon, try going to the ER or Urgent Care ....
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 1/8/08 11:30 am - Houston, TX
Thanks, for getting back to me.  The nurse at my baratic phy to me the same thing. Because my schedule is so messed up though I have to wait until Monday to go to the Dr. I have an ob-gyn appt and I have to wait until the 31st for my baratric Dr. appt. Hopefully I will be able to draw attention to something and get some results in this situation. Thanks, Marie.
on 1/8/08 11:43 am - Costa Mesa, CA
You can also explain this to your OB GYN. ANY doctor will be able to help you. Actually, your OB GYN may be the best choice as they deal with iron deficiencies often. If, this is an iron issue. GOOD LUCK - Please try to stop eating household cleaners in the meantime. You can really damage your insides ....
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
(deactivated member)
on 1/12/08 5:55 pm, edited 1/13/08 10:30 pm
Hi, Marie... Just a thought... it is hard to stop one behavior without replacing it with another behavior.  To stop consuming cleaners, perhaps added iron-rich foods will help you until your Dr/Nutritionist can give you the best solution.  As only a % of iron is absorbed from food, there are a few ways to "up" the level.  Vit. C is a booster that can be eaten at every meal... fruit, berries, melon, potatoes (with skins, if you can eat them), and yams!  Cooking food and grilling veggies on a cast iron pan also adds a bit more iron...example: grill some peppers and tomatoes along with some kabobs.  Tofu is a good source of iron, but other soy products hinder iron absorption, as does tea, coffee, and egg yolks.  You don't need to give up these foods; just realize that additional iron will be needed for balance.  Spinach is high in iron, but also high in oxalic acid, which is an inhibitor... go figure.  To get around that problem, eat spinach and other dark leafy veggies in the same meal with meat or fish.  It seems that diminished gastric acid and some prescription drugs can also lessen iron absorption. The above info was sourced through Superfoods for Woman by Dolores Riccio  (1996), but should still be accurate today.  Ask your Dr / RD.  Personally, I also include light and dark meat turkey, cream of wheat, nuts, and seeds. As for drugs / meds that inhibit iron, some are antacids, antibiotics, anti-inflamatories, cholesterol lowering agents, and ulcer medications.  There may be more, but the one's that I've listed were sourced through an excerpt noting info from the Drug Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook, 2nd Edition.  Once again only your Drs can really determine what course of action you should be taking. There may be many reasons why you have chosen this behavior, but it is imperative that you stop consuming non-food chemicals.   That means that you'll have to TOSS them and don't buy any replacements.  You may want to obtain a booklet from the Poison Control Center, regarding household chemical safety or check the Web for Poison info.  You brought your "Secret" here, but now you may have to share it with someone close to you, who can help you eliminate the products.   I am sending a copy of this post to the RDs so that if any of my info is incorrect, they can give you the correct info.  Please don't TRY to Stop; just do it and add the foods that are so good for you! ((((Hugs)))))  Ro
on 1/21/08 8:21 am - Houston, TX
HI!! I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I just checked my mail and saw the reply. I want to say thanks for the info, it means a lot to me because you are not the only one who believes that I might be iron deprived. I will try and up my intake and see what the does in the between now and the end of the month when I go to my nutritionist. You are the best, Marie.
(deactivated member)
on 1/22/08 10:57 pm
Hi, Marie... So glad to hear from you!   I was thinking that what you described sounded a lot like PICA, where non-foods are eaten.   It does seem like your body is trying to find balance for a missing nutrient.  Your nutritionist will be able to advise you, after reviewing your Labs.  I'm certain that you'll find an answer and how to adjust with supplements and foods.  Please update! Thanks for the compliment...just trying to help!   Ro
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/08 4:46 pm
Hi, Marie... Here's a brief update on my Labs... My Vit A is so low that I have to double my supplements and increase Vit A-rich foods.   The interesting thing is that before knowing  the Lab results, I was having strong cravings for Vit A foods and thought that I was over-doing them... lots of greens, veggies,  reduced cheeses, yogurts... over and over again. Hope all goes well at your appointment!  Ro
on 1/28/08 9:38 am - Houston, TX
Hey' you know I just realized that I don't know the importance of vitamin A as it concerns us and our weight loss. And I replied to the last blog in general when I said about the labs. But now that I think about it are you okay? What suggestion did your Dr. have for you? Do you have a follow up appointment? Marie.
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/08 5:20 pm
Hey, Marie!   Check out this link that is posted on the Nutrition Board:,messageboard/a ction,replies/board_id,5389/cat_id,4989/topic_id,3507970/     Ro PS: I need   LOL
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