I am 4 weeks out, how many calories should I be consuming?

on 1/3/08 7:52 am - Doha, Qatar
I am down 25 pounds since surgery, but 20 of those were in the first 2 weeks, and I have only lost 5 pounds since I have moved to pureed and soft foods. While I am getting at least 60 grams of protein in, I am concerned that I am getting too many calories and too many carbs.  My averages for the last few days are: Calories:  735 Protein: 72 grams Carbs: 78 grams fat: 13 grams I admit that I do occasionally have something like tomato soup, that has no protein and is just carbs, but I just want something that tastes good and goes down easily. What kind of ratio of carbs to protein should I be shooting for when making a food choice? Thanks for you advice. Ginny

on 1/3/08 11:31 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Please be patient with your weight loss.  Here is the breakdown based on what you included above: 72 gm Pro = 39% of your calories; 78 gms CHO = 72% of your calories and 13 gms Fat = 16% of your calories.   You are definitely getting in enough protein but as you said, something like tomato soup likely has a lot of sugar in it (corn syrup, etc.) but if you made it with nonfat milk and added a scoop of whey protein powder, this would taste good AND give you protein all in a great tasting bowl of soup.   In terms of ratios, there is really no hard and fast rules but as you know, protein is THE focus. Happy New Year!
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
President, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
on 1/3/08 12:25 pm - AR
Every surgeon/NUT seems to be different, so my advice would be to email them & ask. My goal/limit from 2 weeks through my 3 month check-up was 600 calories.  At my 3 month check-up, they increased my goal/limit to 700 to accomidate fruits/vegetables which they added to my diet at that time.   Some people are carb sensitve and do not lose if they do not cut their carbs.  A strict NET carb goal per day is 20 - 30.  Remember that is NET carbs only.  (Net carbs = all carbs - sugar alcohol - fiber) Your protein looks good for being just 2 weeks post-op.  That's great!   I totally understand about wanting something that goals down easy (and tastes good).  I gave in with KFC mashed potatoes in my first couple of weeks.  I got hollered at by my NUT at my 4 week check-up and didn't do it anymore.  (I'm not advocating KFC mashed potatoes so no flames please.)  However, I learned that if you want something that goes/stays down well early post-op, you DO have options that taste good and provide more protein (and less bad carbs). Like... Refried beans (have carbs, but not all bad and has a little protein too) Sugar free fudgsicles (believe it or not they do have protein and just a few net carbs) Healthy Choice cream of fill-in-the-blank-here soups (for variety - not very great for protein/carbs/etc) I'd be sure that I only ate 3 times a day (or however many times your NUT/surgeon tells you to eat) and only had 1 snack a day (or however many your NUT/surgeon let you have).  It is not so much about how FAST you lose the weight, but about forming good, healthy LIFE-LONG habits that will help you eventually get to a healthy weight AND STAY THERE - FOREVER! Don't get discouraged!  Email your NUT/RD/surgeon and ask them for daily guidelines!  (They should have given those to you, but sometimes they are reluctant to give goals/guidelines other than WHAT you can eat in the beginning because it is hard for some people to get in hardly ANYTHING - but that doesn't seem to be the case with you!  SO you should email them girl!  Tell them you want some #s and then start logging everything if you're not already!) 
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