Mikey's Fun-Filled Holiday Adventure!

Big Loser
on 1/3/08 1:46 am - AL
Hi there, Gang! Whew, what a WILD RIDE the holidays have been for me! Thank goodness it is all over, and I am finally back, both home AND on-track! Remember how I went on and on (it seemed endlessly!) about those wonderful, fabulous. sugar-free low-carb cheesecakes? Well, SORRY - NOT so wonderful and NOT so fabulous! That is, unless you also exercise PORTION CONTROL! NOT ME!.... I ate one WHOLE sampler cake, two WHOLE pumpkin cakes, and two WHOLE Red Velvet cheesecakes over the holidays. Yes - I really did! They went down SO NICE AND SLIDERIFICK!! Slippitty Slide Slide all the way down! WOO HOO! So, OK, let's recap.... Weight in October....155 Weight before leaving for California on 12/20.....174 Weight right upon returning on 12/30.....187!! YES YES - 187!!! A NEW WORLD RECORD!!!! But seriously, OK, this is not REALLY a bad thing. This is teaching me a very valuable lesson. First of all, at 6ft tall, and at 155, I look downright sickly and emaciated. Enough said. Now, in my upper 160's and lower 170's, I look DARN GOOD - almost HOT! LOL..... So I think I would be happy there! Now, at 187, my wonderful, designer, expensive wardrobe was TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT! OOOOPS!!!! I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT! OOPS IS RIGHT!!!! Well, guess what!! Since 12/31, I have been back on track, and right now as of today I am down back to 178! WOO HOO! And you know what else? I PLAN ON STAYING ON TRACK! ALL OF THE FAT CAUGHT UP WITH ME - IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE! KEEP READING..... OK, so I spent New Years Day in the Hospital, on a Morphine and Demerol IV drip! I was admitted in the early part of the A.M., and released at about 9:30PM. Why? Hmmm....lets see if we can imagine why...... hmmm..... Perhaps it was the fact that my fat intake rose from around 20 or so grams a day, to several hundred grams over the holidays! Those cheesecakes had around 40-50 grams of fat per slice, and I was eating SEVERAL slices a day! WOO HOO! Gotta give me a blue ribbon! LOL..... Well, I had one of the WORST fat-induced gallbladder attacks that I have ever had. It was SOOOOO painful - I thought I was being stabbed by the mean old cheesecake-witch-of-the-west! At any rate, it finally passed and I felt well enough to go home, and sleep it all off. Weird though, because the attack happened DAYS AFTER I stopped consuming all of the fat! That was strange. When I had the attack, I was already back on track. But, hey - if it doesn't get you right away, IT WILL GET YOU IN THE END! LOL..... That was my fun, frolicking, happy-go-luck holiday adventure! So, what have I learned? Seriously...... I have learned that.... My body is a temple, one that must be cared for every single day. My surgery was a gift, one that should never be overlooked. My health, and my great new thin body, are wonderful miracles that I need to appreciate every single day. So, there you go gang! A LESSON WELL-LEARNED! My current plan is to go back to 160-165, and "hover" around there. I am already well on my way! I love you guys, Mike HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!
250 Pounds Gone Forever!
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(deactivated member)
on 1/3/08 4:42 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I think a lot of us learn a similar lesson along the way.  I learned that lesson during the 2006 holiday season, so approached 2007 with a solid plan and it worked pretty well.  I still gained a couple pounds during December, but nothing like last year.  I've also realized how much better I feel when I'm eating right and working out, so it's become self-motivating and self-perpetuating.   Good luck keeping yourself back on track; worship that delightful temple you've been given!!! Kellie
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