Paxil CR, can i still take it?

Nicole T.
on 12/31/07 2:50 am
I'm very concerned. I want to point out I am seeing my pcp next week but if i can get some help on here as well, that would be great. I take paxil cr and if i stop taking it even for two days, i get very dizzy, lightning in my head and anxiety. is there anyone on here that used to take it and still does or found a suitable replacement?  are there drugs that can be taken with a needle that would keep me from having anxiety.  i am very concerned. the last thing i need is to be in the throughs of a anxiety attack while trying to heal from surgery and eat right. thanks.
on 12/31/07 10:36 am - Lancaster, NY
i'm taking paxil still without a problem......they did not give it to me the first day out of my surgery in the hospital....but by the secon dday i was panicing and demanded to have it..... they gave me a pill and it was fine.. no problems at all.  


Nicole T.
on 1/1/08 12:07 am
that is so awesome to hear. i was starting to panic about that. they hadn't told me to stop taking it so i wondered. and you are still having the same benefits of the pill? i assume so.
on 1/1/08 1:50 am - Lancaster, NY
yup same benefits!!


on 1/18/08 6:05 am
Hey there, I was on Zoloft, which is similar to Paxil. I get the same withdrawals you posted above when I don't take my meds for 1 or 2 days. I was told to crush up my pill and eat it with apple sauce. It was disgusting! The worst taste in the world PLUS it made me sick. So I called my reg Dr and she said it was time released and I should never crush up the contents of the capsuals. My surgeon tols me not to swallow the pill I was stuck. Turns out that Paxil makes a liquid form. So I took that for the first month and switched back to my good old zoloft after a month when I was fine to take whole pills... Side note: Some people take whole pills - including calcium - straight after surgery. So talk with you surgeon about his/her beliefs. Good Luck

Nicole T.
on 1/20/08 9:32 pm
thanks for your help. i'm actually trying to get off paxil, hoping i can just stop taking it. we will see. so far, its been hit or miss. i am fine most of the time but this weekend i got depressed. so i might just move to a non time release pill.
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