Stacker 2 Protein Water

on 12/31/07 4:37 am
I'm wondering about the suitability of Stacker 2 Protein Water after gastric bypass surgery. According to the product information, it is fat- and sugar-free and contains 20 grams of protein per 20 ounce serving. Since it is vitally important to both drink enough water and ingest enough protein after surgery, it seems that this product would kill two birds with one stone (so to speak). I'd be interested in getting some input from a nutristionist/dietician's perspective. Thanks in advance!
on 12/31/07 10:14 pm
I have not tried Stacker 2 Protein water however, when I went home from hospital I used Isopure with the same idea you had,"to kill 2 birds with one stone" they come in 40oz blts and 40g of protein I would sip on this most of the day until I finished I also use cytosport drink they had few flavors that I enjoyed.  -Maryama =1&origkw=isopure+grape&kw=isopure+grape&parentPage=search =cytospor****ermelon&origkw=cytospor****ermelon&sr=1


"Beauty is not in the face, Beauty is a light in the heart"
          -Khalil Gibran


on 1/1/08 1:32 am - CA
It's a great idea. This brand in particular uses whey protein, which is recommended. The only drawback is the cost. In hospital, we often use juice-type protein drinks because they are generally well tolerated.  This is especially common with cancer patients who have very sensitive tummies. Again, the only drawback is the cost so it is often hard for people to continue these drinks when they get home. Happy New Year!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 1/1/08 1:45 am
Thanks for the response! According to the Stacker 2 website, the cost for a 20 ounce bottle is $2.99. While that is fairly expensive for a drink, considering how much money I won't be spending on the Diet Pepsi and take-out food I'm now buying, I think it will about even out - at last for the period when I'll have to be on full liquids.
on 1/1/08 12:31 pm - FL
can you tell me where to get these? are they good. i tried the isopure juice type ones, but they are pretty yuck!!!

on 1/1/08 11:51 pm
I haven't tried them yet. I'm still waiting for my surgery date so I'm doing some research. According to the website, you can get them at Walmart, K-Mart, Walgreens, and a bunch of other discount department stores & major drugstore chains.
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