Is gout common after wls? diet changes needed?

on 12/28/07 11:25 am - San Juan Capistrano, CA
Is this common? My surgeon says ..." people who haven't had wls get gout too", but he says that about most things.  I did not have gout before surgery. I am not eating the typical culprits (i.e. organ meats, shellfish, beef) but I do eat allot of beans(which are on the list), chicken & fish for protein.    Dear Nutritionist, Generally of course...should I change my diet? Cut out the beans? I am afraid to take the Rx'd med due to gastric side effects and risks and would like to try concentrated cherry juice first. However, as I am 5 weeks post -op, that has it's dangers too. 21 grams of sugar/2 T. Any advice? My surgeon didn't, except to take the standard Rx. Also, In general, does this mean I am more prone to kidney stones? I do get my 64 oz of water, should I dirnk more?    Thank you, Jo



on 12/28/07 12:10 pm - CA
I haven't heard of gout being more common post-WLS. Thing is, everyone is different from a metabolic standpoint.  You appear to be someone who has problems with purine metabolism and the build up of uric acid crystals. You do not necessarily have a higher risk of kidney stones - that is a different metabolic pathway. Good job with your liquids - and more is always better :) In addition to over-consumption of organ meats, gout can also be caused by fats, refined carbohydrates, and overconsumption of calories.  Weight loss is one of the treatments often recommended as well as elimination of alcohol - so you are well on your way to these treatments . My advice - your diet at this point is unlikely to be the issue as you are probably eating markedly smaller portions than you were 5 weeks ago (pre-op).  Cherry is one treatment as are grape seed and hawthorn extracts.  If it continues to be a problem you may want to try the medication route.  Ultimately you will have to be the judge of what's best for you. Good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 12/28/07 1:32 pm - San Juan Capistrano, CA
Thank you Danielle, you have eased my mind :)   



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