Hard time with textures and post stricture

Maggie B.
on 12/28/07 9:42 am - Overland Park, KS
Dear Nutrition team- Please help.  I have already had one stricture and think I have another on the way.  In the mean time I have the hardest time with the protein selections I have been given by my nut team.  They are:  Tuna, chicken and eggs in any form (I do them up right, chew appropriately) they all STICK.  The only protein laden thing that does not stick is cottage cheese or mozzarella sticks. I loathe beans in any form and am at a loss for what I am supposed to try to eat. I am 7 weeks out and so tired of cheese. I can't really try new things yet until week 8. But I feel like I have failed the pureed stage.  I only get a few bites down then they stick or I am full.  My nut is no help.   Frustrated and tired of cheese.  Cannot have peanut butter- am allergic (have asthma, they make me wheeze)  I have already talked with my doc. Will most likely need another dilation if it goes the way it did last time. But can you help me with protein choices? PLEASE??? Any help I welcome! THanks so much. Maggie
My RNY was 11/12/2007
285/170/150  115lbs gone baby!!! 
Ask me about AVON and Isagenix.... Just a nice Irish girl doing her thing...

on 12/28/07 11:47 am - CA
I would hate to live on cheese alone. When you say tuna chicken eggs "in any form" does that include mixing it up into a salad?  Meaning, you make the stuff a little moist with some low-fat salad dressing (or light mayo) to help it 'slide' on down. I will tell you that protein is often not well tolerated and there are plenty of post-ops that need to continue to rely on their protein supplements for a while after they are "okayed" for solids. Unfortunately, there are only so many options when it comes to protein.  You may have to find creative ways with protein powder! sorry I can't tell you better news.
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

Maggie B.
on 12/28/07 8:04 pm - Overland Park, KS
Danielle- Yep, that's what I mean.  I eat them in  creamy salad form, tuna, eggs or chicken do not go down. They stick big time.  Very uncomfortable.    I'm going to cry now.  Thanks so much for replying.  Maggie 
My RNY was 11/12/2007
285/170/150  115lbs gone baby!!! 
Ask me about AVON and Isagenix.... Just a nice Irish girl doing her thing...

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