Calcium citrate

on 12/27/07 5:52 pm - Willits, CA
I was told that for DS'ers we need calcium citrate not calcium carbonate but that we cant get it in stores...:-( I havent been able to find it, does anyone know how to get it and where? also what foods or vitamin supplements will help my hair? it hasnt started falling out yet but I dont want to lose any either and I was told it may take a few months before the affects start to show?? 
Sporty Jill
on 12/27/07 9:31 pm - Norfolk, VA
Not specific to the DS'ers.  Even us RNY'ers have to take calcium citrate. Citracal (brand name) is very easy to locate.  I purchase it at Wallyworld all of the time.  I get the petities to make it easier to go down. For the hair, I take healthy Hair, Skin and Nails from the Vitamin shoppe.  I take 3 a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

     Certified Personal Trainer
"I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." - Madonna
Beginning Weight: 265  Current Weight:143 
So I run like a keep up! 

(deactivated member)
on 12/28/07 2:06 am
I get my Calicium Citrate at Vitamin Shoope. They also have a website,, where you can order it on-line. My doc wants me to take 1500mg a day.
(deactivated member)
on 12/28/07 4:10 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
You can also buy generic versions of Citracal at BJ's Wholesale Club or Sam's Club.  Probably also available at Costco too, and it's much less expensive than the Citracal name brand.  You're looking for a calcium citrate supplement that also has Vitamin D, which aids in the absorption of the calcium. Kellie
Robin W.
on 12/28/07 10:41 pm - Franklin, OH
I just found Calcium Citrate at SAMS  400 pills for under $9.00. Looking at the lable I'll have to take a total of 4 to get what the doc wants me to have 1200 but I can break that up into 2 and 2.  Kmart and Walmart also sell it byut it might cost a little more. Just read EVERY lable and you can find it at most stors.  Robin

4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220 
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  Dr. Seuss

on 12/31/07 10:50 pm
I found Upcal D to be the most tolerable form of calcium citrate for me, the added bonus is that it does not cause constipation, each scoop/pkt is 500 mg of citrate & 250 iu of D3, it can mixed with any liquid or soft food it's one less pill to take(in our cas,  e 2 less per dose). I buy mine from Here, 0018.html I hope this helps, Maryama


"Beauty is not in the face, Beauty is a light in the heart"
          -Khalil Gibran


on 12/31/07 10:57 pm
I am sorry I missed the hair question, for the hair most ppl take Biotin 5mg however, on Carolyn M's blog she has regime that you might want to take a look at. -Maryama  ****************************************************** From carolyn M's blog Ready for one more set of tips? This is my hair loss prevention program: It is a 3-step program:

1. Make sure you get at least 60 grams of protein every day beginning as soon as you get out of the hospital. Use shakes until you can get enough food. Build up to 80 grams when you can. Protein is essential for hair growth and hair that doesn't grow falls out.

2. Force the fluids. At least 64 oz a day the first week or two then bump it up to 80-100 oz per day. Fluids flush out the ketones your body makes when burning fats. Ketones are toxic to rapidly dividing cells like the hair follicles.

3. Beginning the first week after surgery, add 100mg of Zinc and 200 mcg of Selenium to your supplements. Crush these tablets for the first 3 months to guarantee absorption. These mineral support the telogenic (resting)phase of hair growth.

Biotin supplements may also help, some swear by them. Nothing you put ON your hair from the outside will do anything to prevent loss, although it may plump up the individual strands and make your hair seem thicker. Topical emulsions don't usually penetrate the scalp to the level of the hair follicles--Minoxidil is an exception to this general rule.


"Beauty is not in the face, Beauty is a light in the heart"
          -Khalil Gibran


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