Foods 3 1/2 4 months post op

on 12/27/07 11:53 am - Baxley, GA
I was wondering what kind of stuff i can start to try now that i am three and a half for months post op And when will i be able to try bread
on 12/28/07 10:48 am - CA
You should always follow the guidelines of your surgeon. At this point most people are on regular texture with few food restrictions.  If you've spent any time on the OH boards, you have probably heard about the "problem foods". My advice is, if it's ok with your surgeon, try it - see how you tolerate it. Continue to follow the basic guidelines Eat your protein first Don't eat more than the 2-4oz capacity of your pouch Drink between meals Chew,chew,chew your food Most people tolerate fish better than other meats Lettuce and other similar veggies cause some people problems Keep your sugar intake to a minimum Try a bite of a new food - see how you do. It's a whole new world of eating you are entering - good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

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