can i take ALLI??????

on 12/27/07 8:19 am - toledo, OH
Hello my problem is that i gained 27lbs. during my 6 months seeing the dietitian, so my insurance company deined me, my doctors office talked them into giving me another 3 months to prove i can change my eating habbits. well i have been doing better but i am so scared of getting deined again, so i bought some alli diet pills, i was just wondering if that was a good idea or not???
on 12/28/07 2:43 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Alli is a diet pill that will bind to the fat you eat and make you malabsorb it. It will produce diarrhea. The prescription form of Alli is called Xenical, if you've tried that in the past, it's the same thing only in a smaller dose. Taking Alli after weight loss surgery is a BAD idea. Taking it to lose weight for weight loss surgery - no problem. Just remember, it can cause some serious diarrhea. If your diet is not rich in fat, then Alli likely won't help you. It makes you malabsorb fat, not other nutrients. However, what you NEED to do is getting your eating habits under control. That's the key. I'm not sure that Alli will help you control your eating. You MUST control your eating after surgery - there can be serious side effects from not following the post-op diet. Alli won't help you learn that --- that needs to come from within. Maybe your just not ready to have surgery yet ... you may consider seeing a different dietitian, or even a therapist to help control your eating. Good luck.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Jean M.
on 12/31/07 1:19 am
Revision on 08/16/12
I have to tell you that I took Xenical (higher dose RX form of Alli) for 3 mos, suffered disgusting side-effects, and didn't lose a pound.  And you definitely shouldn't take that stuff after WLS. Are you exercising regularly?  Walking 30 minutes a day has been a big help for me. You could try counting calories to keep yourself accountable for what you're consuming.  I eat 900-1000 calories/day and track them using software I bought at  My pre-surgical diet was 1200 cal/day, low-sodium, low-fat and I hated every minute of it but did lose 17.5 lbs in 5 weeks. The reality of any type of WLS is that you have to make good food choices, deal with head hunger, and exercise in order to succeed.  If you're struggling with head hunger, maybe some counseling will help if your insurance covers it and/or you can afford it.  I've been seeing a counselor every 2 weeks throughout this process and it's helped me deal with the emotional side of my eating problems. Jean
on 12/31/07 10:46 am - AR
I took prescription Xenical a couple of years ago.  I did lose weight because I ate high fat foods.  Since Xenical works by blocking a % of fat absorption, if you eat salad all day long - it won't do you much good.  If you eat cheeseburgers all day long, you WILL lose weight on Alli (loser dose over the counter Xenical).   However, what you don't absorb, you "poop" out.  I'll go ahead and gross you out so you know what you'll be getting into.   WARNING........................................ GROSS OUT AHEAD............................................... If you eat a pepporoni pizza on Alli, when you poop there will be red/orange grease floating in your toilet bowl.  This will happen if you are LUCKY.  If you are UNLUCKY, red/orange grease will squirt out when you fart, forcing you to go wash yourself and change all your clothes from the waist down (sometimes shoes and socks included).   Now you may be thinkin'... well, I will just avoid farting unless I am on the toilet.  Have you ever tried to hold your pucker closed when you have really bad water diarrhea?  Now imagine that... only it's grease.  Trust me... noone's pucker is that tight.   Okay.  Gross out over.  Shake the mental pictures out. 
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