The Numbers

on 12/26/07 11:39 pm - GA
I started this process in June at 270 pounds.  I am currently down to 206-210 depending on the day it seems.  My question is two fold 1.  How long a stall should I expect and what can I do to get things going again?  I have been hovering in this range for about six weeks.   2.  Is there a formula for knowing how many carbs, grams of sugar, ounces of water, extra calcium, b6-b12, I should be taking each day?  With the exception of weighing 270 lbs, I was perfectly healthy before surgery...I want to make sure I remain that way AFTER surgery. Thanks for you assistance.  I look forward to getting your response. Ingrid
on 12/29/07 11:05 am - CA
Stalls can be very frustrating.  I can't tell you how long it will last, but most subside before 6 weeks.  Hopefully you are close to the end of this one. One of the important things with stalls is keeping on track.  It is so frustrating to keep your portions strict, get enough fluids, do your daily exercise and still not have the scale go your way.  But - it is very important to stick to your plan. Hopefully you set goals with your dietitian post-op about how many calories, carbs, fats, and protein.  Your supplements should also have been discussed.  The precise amounts of nutrients needed depends a lot on the type of surgery that you had.  Your surgeon and their staff should be the best people to answer these questions for you. We have posted on general guidelines many times, so check the archives on this board. I hope this gives you some direction - and let me know if you have trouble finding the earlier posts with a PM. Happy New Year!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 12/29/07 12:42 pm - GA
Thanks, Danielle. I've met with a nutritionist and have discussed supplements with my docs.  They have all given me contridictory information, so I am seeking advices elsewhere.  I guess I just need to choose one of them and go with their plan... I'll check the archives for more information. Thanks for the well wishes. Happy New Year to you and yours as well. Ingrid
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