Carb Question - From main board

on 12/22/07 12:43 pm
I am into the stage one post op pureed diet, I'm allowed to haveoatmeal, but everything I look at has a lot of carbs.  I've been looking through my books from my doctors office and the only thing mentioned is that our shake choices should be under 4g of carbs.  What are you guidelines for carb content in food?  Thanks for the help I'm really confused.
on 12/24/07 2:02 pm - CA
Total carb content and added sugar content.  I think that added sugar is probably more of an issue.  According to the guidelines, you should aim for less than 5 g of added sugar - but that doesn't count the carbs already present in the food naturally. Let me use the example of a protein shake made with milk.  An 8 oz serving of milk has 12 gram of naturally occurring sugar (lactose), but no added sugar.   A shake/protein powder may or may not have added sugar (usually lower carb but sweet options are sweetened with sucralose, aspartame, etc) .  If you are adding your protein supplement in to milk, you are going to have a total carb count that is higher and you will get a little more protein (mixing with milk is often a little more palatable for people - not everyone though) The magic number for dumping is often around 20-25g sugar - but not everyone dumps. If you are eating a grain or cereal product, the highest contribution of calories is going to come from carbohydrates - but it also provides key nutrients and fiber. For many people it helps to look at your whole day goals.  Make sure you are eating your protein first, especially in these early days.  Try to keep your carb intake at your goal level - this means some foods will have higher carbs and that's okay but they are paired with lower carb foods throughout the day. I hope this helps!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 12/25/07 1:12 pm
Thank you so much that helps so much!  I appreciate your answer.
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