10 days post-op, so sick of pureed food,vegetarian,please help!!!
i asked a while ago for protein options for me but would love more info. i am 10 days out,lacto-ovo vegetarian and i want to know what else can i eat besides, eggs,veggie chichen strips,tofu.
i just need to get through the next few days. my nut said i cant have beens for a while(too high in carbs)
please advise.
happy holidays!!!!
Honestly, I didn't want to get back on solid foods for a while, but all I ate was vegetable broth, cottage cheese with almond or orange flavoring (like vanilla), jello, pudding, soft eggs and cheese, protein shakes. as i progressed into more solid foods, i experiemented with mashed potatoes, yogurts, harder eggs, bean soups, lentils, etc. i am not a vegetarian, but i don't eat much meat, so i ate pretty lacto-ovo. anything you would regularly eat, and can puree or something....what about a polenta with feta melted in? a little garlic powder and pepper makes it pretty tasty. good luck with finding a wide enough variety for yourself!
I can understand not eating the whole fruit or veggie from the standpoint of the bulk/fiber. You would get full so fast, they are probably concerned about getting adequate nutrition. But I can't imagine that they would object to juicing the veggies or even blending or pureeing them to death and then straining out the fibrous part. You definitely need some variety!
