Liquid Protein supplements from Bariatric Advantage
Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that I got a bunch of liquid protein supplements from bariatric advantage last night. There are a couple different products that give you 15 grams of pre-digested protein per serving. The servings are small so I figure it would be great especially during the beginning part of my journey to ensure I get all my protein. the problem is most of them taste atrocious. the only one that was halfway decent and didn't make me gag was pro-stat 64 wild cherry flavor. the other stuff smelled bad and oh wow tasted horrible. Does anyone use these types of supplements or have suggestions? Thanks.
I use these bullets from GNC stores and mix them 1 to 1 or 1 to 2 with water and they then taste like flavored water and are pretty good. ($2.99)
I just bought a bunch of the bariatric advantage bullets like you have and was hoping for the same. The Vitamin Shoppe also has these in 42 g protein each and I do the same 1 to 1 ratio, these are ok to as long as they are mixed with water.
I even dumped one in a full bottle of water and it was ok.
I'd much rather drink my protein than eat it. I don't like how the whey protein changes the taste and consistancy of my soups, puddings ect.
I'm 13 days out and use Lean Protein powder from GNC in my shakes(25g protein). I have also bought the Designer Whey (choc and vanilla) from Trader Joes and these are really great 18 g of protein in 3 oz of milk. I also add the Designer Whey to plain coffee for a great taste. The choch has a slight malt flavor so if you don't like malt.....
One last suggestion. I also bought Isopure powder in Banana/Orange/pinapple from GNC. One scoop of the powder is 25g protein and I mix it with the Tangerine Crystal Light or any other fruit flavor crystal light (16oz of crystal light with one scoop) I drink this as a great alternative to water all day and I get my protein too. Sometimes I blend 6oz of vanilla yogart or a ripe banana or low sugar fruit juice to it.
Now I'm going to go try one of the bullets from BA, I had them in my car ready to take to work.
I think they will return them if you don't like them.
Good luck