not able to eat
Hello ,
i am over 3 years post op.
and to be honest....... i STILL have a hard time eating all meats. :-(
i mainly eat fish.... because it is nice and soft and easy to swallow....
what I did in the begining of my early post op days.....
i use to put all my meats into my food proccessor
and chop it up and make it softer for me to swallow.
i did whatever it took to get my protein in.
so thats what i did in the very beginning of my early post op days.
i limit myself with rice
.... i hardly ever eat rice.... if I do it is just a tablespoon , like just a taste and that is all.
With pizza..... i make my own pizza.....i make it a lot healthier then the pizza places.
when i make the pizza dough.
i use multigrain flour and add flaxseed meal and high fiber cereal from red mill's.
for the toppings - fat free cheeses ,
cut up thinly sliced chicken strips and i use all fresh vegies :-)
i never eat the REAL pizza... ONE taste of the REAL THING....
I know me , i will go right back to my OLD eating habits.
so i stay FAR away from the REAL pizza!!!!
i just change up the recipe and eat healthier pizza....
for cheese's... i notice when i eat cheese's of any kind i tend to over eat them
and then i gain weight..... and sometimes i have a hard time using the bathroom
if I eat cheese a lot. So with cheese's i stay away from them....
i don't want to get blocked up ... :-(
With Pasta , IF i eat pasta ....i usually again go for the healthy multigrain pasta's.
anad portion out just ONE seriving size and that is all i eat.
with steak ... oh yum... i use to LOVE steak before surgery. i still do.
i eat steak once a while and i need to CUT it all up into TINY pieces
and CHEW CHEW CHEW well enough so it will go down easy and not get stuck.
so with caution... you can eat steak :-)
Hamburgers....oh yes mam! i love turkey burgers....
i usually do not finish the whole entire burger
but i do eat hamburgers.
IF i do eat bread it is usually multigrain high fiber ligh english muffin.
i do still eat these kind of foods.... i just eat very small portions of them
and eat them all in MODERATION :-)
but if I do notice that i am abusing one food... then that food is OUT of here!
like cheese's , pizza's..., protein bars, 100-calorie snack packs, popcorn, pretzels.
these kind of foods are UNHEALTHY CARBY SNACKS
that can TRIGGER your old eating habits.
do not start eating those snacks if you can not eat them
The foods that you your post
you will have to eat them to see if you can tolerate these kind of foods
and see if you will gain weight or not....
if you do gain from eating these foods ... cut back on your portion size and eat less.
Do not start eating any foods that are not on your surgeon's food stage / phase.
ALWAYS Stay within your surgeon's diet guidelines
if you have questions ... you can always call your surgeon's office and ask :-)
best wishes to you
happy holidays
Hugs & Kisses
you are like a breathe of fresh air.Thank you so much for taking your time to really help me.Your response really did help me out alot.Yes,I will be very carefull not to slip into the old habits and if I do,it is out the door.God Bless and have a very merry Christmas season and I really hope to hear from you,Thanx
I am so glad to meet someone else with this same issue. I had surgery the same day & cannot eat chicken, turkey...well any meat. It doesn't matter how it's cooked, how soft it is...I cannot handle it. I can chew it to a does not matter. I throw it up.
I can eat some fish (thank goodness) and chili has saved my life. I see others posting what they eat & they're eating tv dinners, etc... and I am still only eating a few bites here & there & I wondered if there was something wrong with me. It is frustrating but it has to get better right?