4 months out ..what is too many calories?

Kim M.
on 12/18/07 9:41 am - Mansfield, MO
I am 4 months out and recently realized I can eat a lot more, so I got curious as to how many calories I was eating..granted I make good choices..well most of the time..about 90% of the time...mostly protein and veggies, my carbs stay below 60g a day ..anyways I'm rambling..the point is that I am consuming 800-1200 calories a day and still have 50lbs to lose...is this a bad thing..I recently upped my calorie intake because my hair is falling out pretty bad right now...am I able to eat too much? have I ruined my surgery tool...do I need an endoscope....to see if my stoma is all stretched out...
 kim m.
RNY (08-07-07)
hw / sw/ cw /goal 

on 12/18/07 10:39 am

800-1200kCal sounds right, but if you hit a plateau then you're eaing too much.  Has your hair loss improved w/ the increase in calories?  How has your exercise been? Continued weight loss in the best tool to tell you if your surgery has been successful. If you stop losing and start gaining then I would suggest going back to your MD. Do you meet w/ a registered dietitian? He or she can give you exact specifics regarding calorie intake. Good luck!

Jeanne Barnett, RD
Registered Dietitian, Certificate of Training in Adult Weight Management
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
on 12/18/07 11:34 am - AR
I had surgery on 08/20/07 and I was just recently (at my be-lated 3 month follow-up check-up) allowed to up my calories from 600 to 700 per day.  (I had been consuming 600 calories per day for the first 3 months.)   Hair falling out really has nothing to do with caloric intake.  It has to do with hormone changes, trama to the body from the surgery and protein/vitamin deficiency.   How is your protein intake?   60 carbs a day sounds like a lot to me too. 
Kim M.
on 12/18/07 10:17 pm - Mansfield, MO
Thanks for the input, well I joined a gym today and walked a mile on the treadmill ---yahoo go me!! and I am going to cut my carbs more and really watch my calories.  I plan on attacking this recent set back/stall/regain with an angry determination....yep it is time for me to see my MD again I think because I have been in a plateau for over a month really it seems, I struggle with the same 7lbs, and this morning I weighed and I was back up that 7lbs...I'm starting to get worried.  For one I can eat again...far more than the "cup" that I should be able to consume so I'm scared my stoma or pouch is stretched or not working or something....Yikes....I hope I did not go through 9 months of testing and appts and approvals to be a failure at this!  And the hair loss hasnt' slowed a bit with the upped calorie intake..it was worth a shot though.... :( I got biotin and more b complex drops so I will just tough it out and try not to touch it..everytime I do 5 hairs drop ....its shocking.   Question for the Nutritionist: Is it true a body can only absorb 30ish grams of protein at a time?
 kim m.
RNY (08-07-07)
hw / sw/ cw /goal 

on 12/20/07 4:56 am - Huntsville, AL
The hair loss is part of the trauma your body endured having surgery and in my opinion, nothing van be done to stop it or slow it down.  It will stop in its own time, just give it time.  The guidelines my doctor gave me say 600 calories a day should be your goal for the first 6 months and limit your carbs to no more than 45 a day.  If you will increase your protein, that will help with weight loss because your body needs protein to build muscle...and remember that muscle burns fat 24 hours a day!  Even when you're sleeping!  And remember that sometimes when you are gaining muscle you might not lose any weight because muscle weighs more than fat....and if you're gaining muscle, thats a good thing because in the long run, it will burn fat for you!!  You have not ruined your tool..you just need to work with what you have!  Remember the 4 rules....protein FIRS****er, exercise and vitamins....and you'll be fine.  I'm normally a lurker on this board but your post brought me out.  Good luck to you on your journey. Vicky

"Life is too short not to be happy."

Kim M.
on 12/20/07 5:09 am - Mansfield, MO
I can't increase my protein anymore without upping my calories..I average 100g a protein a day--at 800calories a day, and I spoke with my surgeons office today and told them I tested how much I can eat at one sitting and when I told them I can eat 3 crunchy tacos, they freaked out..and said yep something is wrong and I am waiting for them to call me back with an appt. for some tests...looks like I have indeed either ruined my tool inadvertently or it was never right to begin with because I never did really get a "full" feeling... :(
 kim m.
RNY (08-07-07)
hw / sw/ cw /goal 

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