100 calorie packs

on 12/15/07 5:16 am - sharpsville, PA

Hello all. I know I saw this post in the main lobby under the "ask the dietician" thread, but I never found an answer.  I am not really sure how to search old threads either, or I would have :( Ok, Ill stop rambling, lol, and ask my question. Are the 100 calorie snack packs ok to have as snacks?  I do try to eat a cheese stick or some meat, or some thing with protein in it. BUT some times I really want a cookie or whatever, and I will eat some of the chips ahoy 100 calorie pack. like 1/2 the pack.  Is that ok?   Amy


Also, I started eating Special K Protein cereal, it is yummy, has 10g protein in a serving, [i cant eat a whole serving] and plus the milk, so I thought it was a good find.  Is it?


on 12/15/07 8:39 am
I'm no nutritionist, but I say, no if you are sugar sensitive.  They may send you down an ugly path.  You might be asking, but with one little innocent 100 calorie snack?  LOL YES, trust me.  I was a sugar addict, and with one little cookie it all started.  It took me 3 years and 40 lbs to get off of sugar again.  If you can tolerate it though, and if you can have "just one", go for it.  If not, don't bother.  Eat a protein bar, or drink a protein shake. 
on 12/16/07 12:32 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Amy, Here is my opinion on the 100 Calorie Packs.  They are basically miniature size junk that cost more because of the packaging.  They are also usually high in fat and sugar but because the package is so small, people think that it's OK to eat the whole thing.  If you are craving something sweet, I will tell you what I tell my patients, have 1 regular size cookie IF you can tolerate the sugar without dumping.  You will feel more satisfied with the regular product than with the miniature junk and the package of cookies will last you a long time (freeze them and eat them sparingly).  It will also be easier on your wallet! In terms of your new cereal find, a little boost of protein in the cereal in addition to your milk is a good thing.  If you are eating 1/2 serving of cereal (5 gms Protein) + 1/2 cup milk (4 gms Protein), you have a jump start on your protein needs to start off your day. Happy Holidays!
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
President, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
one hot mama
on 12/17/07 1:33 am - Tennessee/ Alabama
You are too new to try that also there are still sugar in it even though its 100 calories look at the nutritional label and check for fat content & sugar make sure its under 5 grams per serving ( I do under 2 grams) also you have to pay close attention for sugar alcohols. Just be careful low sugar items are not the same as sugar free 
 Army Wife
on 12/19/07 11:00 pm, edited 12/19/07 11:00 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
hello, i am over 3 years post op. in my early post op days. i started to eat carby snacks like the 100 calorie snack packs. guess what ???????? I gained weight .... I gained about 25 lbs back.... i was 7 month post op. this is only my opinion. 100 - calorie snack packs are TRIGGER FOODS. and can lead to weight gain IF you do not eat them in MODERATION - ONCE A WEEK. if you CAN NOT do moderation ... do not start eating THESE KIND OF SNACKS. one taste of these carby kind of snacks... will throw you right off track with your dieting. Do not start eating carby snacks ..... pretzels, popcorn, chips, multigrain crackers. these snacks are really not healthy snacks to eat. PLUS these carby snacks DO NOT KEEP YOU VERY FULL LONG eat foods that will keep you satisfied and full longer! now that you had WLS. TRY hard to Change your eating behavior patterns... try to eat healthier foods... INSTEAD eating  carby snacks stick with whole grain foods , high fiber foods.... eat good complex good carbs.  Eat Fresh fruit and vegies, that are LOW in calories and LOW in carbs and have LOW sugar content. if you eat every 2 - 3 hours. eat small portion size meals/snacks  THROUGHOUT THE DAY you will NOT crave these carby snacks as much  and you will be LESS hungry. Stay AWAY from carby snacks stay on track with your dieting and eat healthier. best wishes to you hugss Lizzy

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