Need help - No appetite - over 3 years post op.

on 12/15/07 12:49 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello, i need some professional advice from a nutritionist please. or anyone who is 3 years or more post op who is dealing with this and having the same problems as I am.... please tell me if I am wrong  and  if I should change any thing in my diet. for a year and a 1/2 or so..... i've been on maintenance.... and i have been maintaining my weight and keeping it stable by forcing myself to eat ........ every 2 - 3 hours i eat on schedule  and i do not miss my meals ever. i eat foods that are high in fiber fresh vegies and fruits that are low in calorie and low in carbs and in sugar. i get enough exercise through the week. i keep my cardio down and low intensity because if I keep it high, i will start to lose weight and do below my weight. i always walk the mall , i do about 3 miles at the mall and i do the DVD walk away the pounds the 5 mile walk by Leslie Sanson. i get enough water throughout the day least ... 4 bottles of 24 oz .  a day. if I am not eating ..... i am usually always drinking. i drink my water plain or put some nectar protein powder in my water bottle that is 24 oz and drink that. if I am not getting enough calories , i try to drink a protein shake to supplement my calorie intake for the day. Okay , my question is .... and maybe i am wrong....but am i doing alright ?  I think i am.... but i do not feel hungry whatsoever... i have no desire to eat. but i do eat.... i try hard to eat.... even if I don't want to eat ... if I don't eat i feel like fainting ..... and i feel myself getting sick and weak. i force myself to eat. is this normal what I am going through ? is it okay to feel this way ?  feeling no appetite ? i am a little over 3 years post op from RNY WLS.... and i lost 155 lbs... i weigh now 125 lbs...  and when i get my monthy cycle.... i do bounce back and forth between- 125 lbs to 130lbs please let me know if i am doing things correctly or if I need to adjust my eating habits ? this is just odd and strange... not feeling any appetite..... and having any desire to eat whatsoever. and today is my birthday.... my girlfriend is taking me out to eat... i hope this gets my appetite going and i feel hungry. i find myself eating small portions of my meal when i go out to eat and i thank god for that..... i just eat it for dinner the next day... there is no wasting food.... not with me lol hehe. and i don't like to waste food either so i just take what ever is left and bring it home. i hope i do better today and eat more throughout the day today. please give me some thoughts on this. thank you taking the time to answer my post hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

on 12/15/07 11:09 am
Hey Lizzy, I'm not a nutritionist or anything but am 4 years out .. and it sounds like what you are doing is right on track .. I am impressed with what you do .. I've been told to eat like 5 to 6 meals a day which would be like your 2-3 hours .. am curious what do you eat every 2-3 hours .. I haven't gotten it clear in my head how to break things down like that yet .. I try to get my walking in like you do your 3 miles but do you do an addl 5 miles every day with your DVD?   I have her 1 mile and 2 mile and 3 mile DVD but don't have the 5 mile one .. keep doing what your doing it seems to work for ya!  Rhonda
on 12/17/07 9:32 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello  Rhonda, good morning to you. and thank you for posting back to me. When i exercise ... i try to mix up my routine daily ... so that my body does not get use to a certain exercise.... and begins to plateau. I walk in the mall.... 3 miles a day regardless if it rains or snows. i am there walking i bring my snack/meals and water... with me where ever i go. i eat on schedule. and do not ever skip my meals. i also keep my meals to a small portion size. while i am walking / exercising. i drink my water. I also add some Nectar protein powder in my  water.... as far as the DVD's .... i do the 5 mile DVD.... once a week to break up my routine a little bit like i said up above , so i won't plateau.... i do the 2 mile walk everyday... Right after i do that DVD ( 2 mile walk ) I exercise to the Biggest Loser DVD ( yellow Video DVD box )  with Bob and Kim. this DVD - HERE its a great DVD!! :-) then i go walking around the mall.... and bring my snacks with me and water. i workout back to back 3 times.... then i take off and rest my body from exercising 2 days after. then i start back up again exercising. after my 2 day rest. i also run on the treadmil but only for 8-10 minutes. then i will do my DVD walk away the pounds. for breakfast - i usually eat 2 hard boil eggs. or oatmeal or peanut butter and sugar free jelly on Light English Multigrain muffin. for lunch - i usually eat a handful of  mixed peanuts. for snack - as i am walking the mall  ( 3 miles ) i usually eat - Edamames soybeans. when i get out of the mall its time to eat  so i eat my banana. easy to eat on the road. when i get home from my walk- i drink my protein shake with calorie count down fat free milk. snack - one turkey mealball. ( with nice spices and with mixed vegies in the meat I usually puree the vegie and then add it to the meat.) for Dinner - i usually eat or chicken, and mixed vegies- ( If I eat vegies or fruit  i make sure that i eat low calorie and low carb and sugar BUT HIGH in fiber  so that will help me go to the bathroom regularly. ) after dinner for a snack - i usually have another protein drink - nectar or my regular protein shake with calorie count down fat free milk. and that is all i think i don't have any appetite because the way i eat... plus i am eating the GOOD FATS and HIGH fiber.... that usually does keep you full longer and satisfied. ALSO Protein Shakes usually stops ANY kind of cravings. AND by eating every 2 - 3 hours.... i am NOT letting myself get hungry. so this is why i am actually NOT feeling no appetite Whatsoever! i think i solved my problem LOL thank you again Rhonda... you really DID REALLY help me a lot by OPENING UP my eyes ....LOL and WRITING DOWN what I am ACTUALLY DOING! thank you so much Happy Holidays to you and your family hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

on 12/16/07 11:49 pm - Aurora, CO
Lizzy~ Have you had your labs drawn recently? And are they normal? I am two years post op and have had the lack of appetite. My labs were off from malabsorption. If you are deficient in B-12 it's a common sympton to lose your appetite, feel tired, dizzy, and several other symptoms. Hope this helps. Michelle
on 12/17/07 10:05 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello  Michelle, thank you so much for posting to me. i had blood work done a few months ago. .....about 6 months ago. all is normal and great.... thank goodness :-) although , i am not tired at all or dizzy and i don't have other symptoms of malabsorption or deficient in B-12 . if I did , i would feel myself getting very WEAK and sick. this is why i keep up with my eating and daily routines.... regardless if I am NOT hungry i make myself eat.... i don't care if i am not hungry... i just do it to STAY and be healthy.... i guess i eat to live now :-) not live to eat... i use to :-( See my post above to the other poster i am ALWAYS active and eating very healthy. i do take B - 100 complex vitamins i do take B 12 - B 6 and Folic Acid vitamins from trader Joe's  that you take underneth the tongue. its like a complex vitamin  the 3 vitamins are in there all together. so that is good. i also take multivitamin daily as well and all my other vitamins too i take a lot of vitamins daily... i have a hold list of vitamins that i take everyday so i think i am good with my vitamins. and i also drink a lot of water throughout the day too. and drink protein shakes as well. i am always very i do get tired when it is time to go to bed though. and that is normal....thank goodness... i can fall asleep. i usually crash in bed about 10 pm. because i am up very earily...doing my exercising and everything that i need to do around the house before i leave for the day. i do believe that the way i eat and i eat on schedule and i do not skip my meals and snacks regardless if I am NOT hungry........ i make myself eat. also i do eat HIGH fiber meals/snacks and i also eat the GOOD fats.... and i do drink my protein shakes AND get enough water in and i do get enough exercise in as well..... and that usually stops cravings and hunger as well. by writing all this down here.... i am actually seeing it. this is why i have absolutely no appetite i am going to see my surgeon again soon for another check up after the holidays and my sister's wedding are ALL  over. i will let him know what is going on with me as he might want another blood test to see where i am at again....... thank you so much for your time... it is very much appreicated.... i do believe i solved my problem :-) thanks again  Happy Holidays to you and your family hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

Kim M.
on 12/19/07 12:19 am - Mansfield, MO
I think your very lucky....i am 4 months out and am fighting nagging hunger all the time ....the lack of appetite didn't last at all for me, I would give ANYTHING to go back to not being hungry.....
 kim m.
RNY (08-07-07)
hw / sw/ cw /goal

on 12/19/07 8:12 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello :-) if you are fighting that nagging hunger all the time i suggestion you to start eating SMALL portion size meals/snacks throughout the day eat every 2 - 3 hours. regardless eat on schedule do not miss ANY meals. bring your meals and drinks (water )  with you where ever you go. keep on exercising 3-4 times a week. drink your water if you are not eating. STAY away from carb snacks like - crackers , pretzels, popcorn, 100 - calorie snack packs, protein bars ... ALL these kind of foods are TRIGGER foods and are unhealthy snacks to eat. snack on solid protein ( ALL meats and cottege cheese ) snack on whole grain foods - mixed nuts ( if you eat nuts - CHEW VERY GOOD ) I usually buy my peanuts at a health / vitamin store and have them GROUND the peanuts up into a peanut butter....  :-) the peanut butter usually keeps me satisfied and full long. i put some PB on a Light enlish multigrain muffin with some sugar free jelly. i also snack on fresh vegies and fruit. vegies and fruits are low in calories, low in sugar and carbs i also snack on my protein shake. drinking protien shakes usually help stop the cravings. ALL proteins help stop cravings. EAT more protein. all this will help you with your hunger. start eating every 2 - 3 hours and watch your portion sizes. keep them small. use a small plate if you have to keep your meals small. watch your fats/carbs and calorie intake for the day as well you can do this , you just have to be willing to try to work at it a little harder. each day will get alot easier for you .... and the further you get post op... you will see what i mean when i say - i have no appetite.... when you are constantly eating on schedule and never missing any meals/snacks you are not allowing yourself to get hungry thats the TRICK! Do not let yourself get hungry...... eat every 2 - 3 hours... eat ALL healthy foods. eat clean and eat smart!!! work your WLS tool! :-) start eating this way and you will see what i mean. :-) STAY AWAY FROM BAD CARBY SNACKS! keep me updated on how you are doing Best wishes happy holidays to you and your family hugsss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

on 12/22/07 12:50 pm - CA
Did you ever have an appetite post op? I'm asking this because I wonder if the area on your stomach where you feel hunger (known as stretch receptors) were destroyed by the procedure. No appetite is a common thing post-op, especially years out. It seems to be more common in those that got to goal weight (or below).  My personal suspicion is that there is a mental component to it as well as a physical difference - but I have no data to back that up. But you are doing the right thing, are maintaining your weight and adjusting up or down as you need to with both your food or exercise.  So I don't see the problem.  You are successful and are maintaining your success - an enviable position some would say! Congratulations to you!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 12/22/07 10:00 pm, edited 12/22/07 10:09 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hi ya Danielle you know something ?   now that i think of it...... I am really not sure if i had an appetite post op. i know when i was a little girl ....  my parents put me on a appetite stimulant. because i never wanted to eat. i remember though ...that appetite stimulant really made me eat and feel hungry. it might have messed up my thinking about food and all. never do I want to touch that stuff again... as you can see it made me gain weight over the as a teenager , i was an over weight kid.....and grow up that way through my adult years until now ... maybe that appetite stimulant messed up my thinking about made my brain work in funny ways.... working against healthy eating. eat and eat and eat ... over the years.... and that made me fat. I remeber my parents kept a close eye on me and kept feeding me ( guess what ever FOODS... i wanted they gave me ) i don't lose weight Plus i guess my parents got nervous and scared  because ...i never ate. and THAT is understandble because NOW i am dealing with my CAT who doesn't want to eat and yes .... to be honest ... IT is scary to watch someone  who you love NOT eating.....  example - older people in nursing homes. i was a nursing assistant..... i use to watch them not eat...and struggle with eating. and the nursing use to say to me. you must get some food into them. so i had to kind of force them to eat. even if they were NOT hungry. and that is sad to see.....   :-( you understand what i am saying ? still ...i have no desire to eat i just simply .... eat to live.... to stay healthy now instead of the SAKE of eating... hmm , very interesting....  never do i ever want to touch that stuff again!! This is just for your information .... it has nothing to do with me and MY health although ... my cat had issues with eating... so our VET put her on a appetite stimulant ... she got better.... and ate..... after 2 months of her being on the appetite stimulant then my DOG hurt her............... broke her JAW.  :-( so then my VET put her back on it.... until she healed. she wore a splint on her jaw.... and she had a screw in her jaw as well. i had to hand feed her every 2 - 3hours............ tablespoons of foods...  it was a NIGHTMARE!  :-( anyway , she is a lot better now , and my dog and cat are living seperate in other rooms of our house. i don't mind it , my cat is comfortable now... and she is safe! my dog.......... i still love and care about her.... and she is an older dog.... so i can't give her away..... no one will treat her better that i would. she has a very bad hip too. she is on meds. now for her hips. so anyway , it just reminds me of what happend with ME with the appetite stimulant with my cat... lol  she is now..holding her weight .... 8.8lbs  - 9 lbs. when she got hurt.... she was ONLY 6 lbs....  she was skin and bones... her hair was falling out too. its was a struggle ....  and i am sure it was a struggle for my parents as well too with me not eating and all... What do YOU think about parents putting their children on a appetite stimulant if they are not eating ? like my VET said , after getting off of the appetite stimulant ..... it could REVERSE and she can gain weight over the years. so , what do you think ?  did that appetite stimulant  make me gain weight along WHAT kind of foods that my parents fed me ( probbaly not as healthy i am thinking ) ..... to help me gain weight ? well anyway , i THINK thats what happened to me and i gained weight... but i am really not sure.....LOL i am sooooooooo.............. careful what I eat and HOW MUCH i eat....IN ONE sitting! over the holidays , i do not worry about eating. because i am very good with my eating habits now. i work on portion control so much. i eat a half of that and a half of this.... i even eat a half of a banana,  because they are actually .... high in calories, carbs, fats and SUGAR! and also Banana's have very good source of many vitamins as well. i wanted to get some of these things in to my diet.... i don't eat banana's .....every single day ..........  But ....if I go out shopping for the day....  i bring a banana, and half the banana.... with the person i am with or ....I eat something that is very easy to eat while i am out and shopping like PEANUTS  LOL   OR  ....edamame's. BUT  like i said ....i am careful and eat one serving size of  everything. i just need something easy to bring with me to snack on. Danielle, Could you recommend any other foods to bring with me while i go shopping ? that is low in calories , low in carbs and sugar ?? i refuse to stop at a fast food place and eat their foods. i rather stop at a regular food store and grab a can of tuna fish,  ready made chicken, OR piece of fruit or vegies. please give me some thoughts on this.... again your help is so much appreicated. Take your time getting back to me as I KNOW it is the holidays and you are probably SO BUSY and all. but please I would love to HEAR your thoughts ON ALL of this... thank you for your kind words and THANK YOU so much for getting back to me hugssssss Enjoy your holidays IF i don't hear from you again before Christmas :-) Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

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