HELP! Am I eating enough?

on 12/14/07 11:23 pm - FL
I will be 3 weeks post-op on Monday, 12/17.  I am still on full-liquid diet.  This is my daily intake:
                      CALORIES      PROTEIN     WATER

Yogurt, 4oz           70            5

EAS Protein           110           17          11 oz  (do I count this as a water?)

Propel                25                        16 oz

Propel                25                        16 oz

Cottage Cheese, 2 oz. 70            5

Soup, 2 oz.           40            1                  Estimating (serving size 1cup, 110 cal., 6 grams protein)

Unjury  (G Tube)      80            20           9 oz

TOTAL                420            48          52 oz
I haven't lost any weight in the last week.  I still feel somewhat weak and lethargic.  Please help with any food suggestions.

on 12/15/07 12:20 am - AR

First let me say that I am NOT a NUT/RD.   But I do not think you are eating enough calories and especially PROTEIN.   I have been told by my surgeon and NUT that I should be getting in 600 calories per day.  (They recently increased that to 700 calories per day at my 3 month post-op check-up.)  However, every surgeon/NUT are different.  Email yours and see what calorie goal they want you at. What worries me more than calories about your diet is your low protein intake.  I have NEVER heard of a surgeon or NUT/RD set a protein goal below 60.  Most surgeons/NUTS/RDS set daily protein minimums at 60 - 80.   You are NOT getting in enough protein in my opinion.  You should replace one of those propels in the morning with another Unjury or protein drink or something. 48 grams of protein is NOT enough.  You are probably weak and lethargic from the early stages of protein deficiency (if it can happen as fast as 3 weeks).   If you don't up your protein intake, your body will start burning up its own muscle to get some (and the heart is a muscle remember).  Please increase your protein ASAP.  This is NOT optional.   Again, all of this is in my opinion and who am I?  LOL

on 12/16/07 12:39 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Wendy, You are right about the recommended minimum amount of protein, which is 60 grams per day.  If patients can get in more than that, that's great.  We do not focus on calories at this stage of the game but instead focus on getting in enough protein AND fluids to prevent protein deficiency and dehydration, respectively.  
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
on 12/15/07 12:38 am - FL
I am supposed to get 60-80 grams of protein a day.  I takes me a good while to get one protein shake in.  I will try drinking two a day.  Thanks for the advice.

on 12/15/07 12:56 am - AR
I don't do protein shakes.  I had enough of those pre-op and they were so sweet I hated them even then. I order protein bullets and mix them with a little crystal light.  For breakfast every morning I have a glass of protein mixed in crystal light.  42 grams of protein in right then.  I have actually VERY recently learned that I feel better if I get the bulk of my protein in in the morning.  A lot of that is physical, but some of it is mental too.  (If I have in 42 grams of protein before I even get to lunch, I don't worry so much about protein at my meals.  I still definately concentrate on protein, but it's just not as stressful for me.) 
on 12/15/07 12:59 am - FL
I have Unjury powder but I don't like the flavor ... even the unflavored kind I can taste.

on 12/15/07 1:09 am - AR

I order the New Whey 42 gram vials of liquid protein.  I usually order grape and fruit punch flavors, but I ordered more yesterday and I'm about to try the orange too.  I can't stand the "thickness" of them, but if I mix them with crystal light in the same flavor I can't taste them at all.  If you take this link and type in "liquid protein" in the search box, you can see the different ones that they sell.  It's definately worth trying if you think you may like any of those flavors.

on 12/15/07 2:12 am - FL
Thanks for the info.

on 12/16/07 11:48 pm
I'm 5 months out and I still have a problem with the protein drinks.  They make me gag.  I've tried every way I can think of to mix them but I still can't drink them.  You should see my collection of protein powders! Unjury is the worst.  I have found that the AcheiveOne capucino or mocha flavors are great, but they do have caffein. You can order them online.  I also eat Better Balance and Revival Soy protein chips and cereals.  I eat them as snacks with plenty of water. 
on 12/15/07 3:54 am - NV
My nut had me stay at 45gm protein for first three months and now I am allowed to have 60gms a day....I do not know what to think because so many people on here are told to have more protein.  At first, I thought maybe I wrote it down wrong with the 45gms, but he assured me that I was correct.  He only handles gastric bypass patients in conjunction with my surgeon.  You would think he would know what he is speaking of because of this reason alone.  So (throwing hands up in the air) I do not know what to think anymore about protein.

5'4 (Surgery: 226) (Presently: 133) (Doc's Goal: 141)

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