
Jessica Martinez
on 12/13/07 4:02 am - Houston, TX

Is it ok to eat popcorn post-op???

(deactivated member)
on 12/14/07 1:26 pm - Vacaytown, HI
You know I thought it was a nono so I avoided it for 1.5 years but tried it and it went down fine.  I dont know the official right answer.  Jess
Purple Passion
on 12/16/07 3:49 am - Little Falls, NJ
RNY on 08/06/07 with
I can eat it just fine. I only have some on occasion.

Looking for a possible revision.

Brandi F.
on 12/16/07 4:49 am - Hamburg, PA
No sure if I should or not, really, but I have some every so often. It's a special, delicious treat.  :)

Lap RNY on 8-21-07
I'm 5'2'', I'm 34 years old, and I have 175 pounds to lose!!

on 12/16/07 1:00 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Jessica, I would wait until you are tolerating all regular type foods such as raw fruits & vegetables but popcorn can be a lower calorie snack that fills you up with a smaller amount.  I would try to find a 95% fat free, butter flavor to keep the fat and calorie count down. Enjoy!
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
President, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
on 12/17/07 12:01 am
Pre-surgery, popcorn was my favorite snack.  Now I eat it at home about once very 2 weeks.  When I go to the movies I eat as much of it as I can hold.  Buttered and layered.  I can't eat a whole bag anymore, I eat about 2 cups.  It hasn't slowed my weight loss.  But that's just me, some other folks may not be able to get by with it, but I find that it helps me mentally to have popcorn occasionally. 
on 12/30/07 11:05 am, edited 12/30/07 11:06 am - Grand Blanc, MI
I'm so glad this was posted.  When I go to the movies (about once a week with friends after work) I take a protein shake with me, but that's just not the same as popcorn!! I think I'll wait a little longer (just 7 weeks post-op), but then put a little bag of air-popped in my purse (next to my Propell water)!!  The theater smells like popcorn - they'll never know it's me!!                                                                                      

Linda V.
on 1/1/08 11:21 am - Baltimore, MD
I would agree that it depends on how far post-up -- but because of the high fiber/low cal it is one of the snacks I have reintroduced (NF Kettle Corn is my favorite).   The only think I have to really watch is that it can trigger my desire for more carbs.
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