Merlot after RNY???

Lisa P.
on 12/13/07 7:57 am - CO
Hello.  Merlot,  Chardonnay,  Zinfendal.....  are they possible someday...sometime after RNY.... I can wait til forever.... but... OH GOSH... is there Merlot after RNY???
on 12/13/07 9:21 pm
I am six months post op, make that almost seven and my surgeon said 1 to 2 glasses at a time would be fine.  He said to remember that your body is affected differently by alchol now and to be careful and don't drive.  Also remember that it is just empty calories.  I wouldn't do it if You are just a new post-op though.  Not a doctor or nutrutionist, so my advice is free. lol  Sue
on 12/13/07 11:46 pm - NV
I am almost four months out and recently had my first glass.  I did not have any "immediate tipsy" feeling people speak about.  It had no effect on me and since then I have had a glass or two at ****tail parties and have been fine.  I would try it at home first to see how it affects you personally before having a glass at a social outing. Happy Holidays and cheers,

5'4 (Surgery: 226) (Presently: 133) (Doc's Goal: 141)

on 12/16/07 12:56 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Yes, there is Merlot after RNY!!!  Your tolerance to alcohol is likely to change and you may get that tipsy feeling after drinking less, but try a glass at home and see how it affects you.  You will then know what your tolerance level is. Happy Holidays!
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
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