Help! 1 month out and disappointed!

on 12/11/07 3:23 am - NY
I dont know if anyone else is going through this but I could really use some help. I had RNY on Nov 14th. I have healed and recovered rapidly and have been working out for a week now. My problem is that nothing makes me sick. nothing has gotten stuck, nothing has disagreed with me. I am terrified. I know i shouldn't have tried certain things but i was almost testing myself to see if i could get sick or uncomfortable. I almost feel like i never had surgery. the only difference i feel is that i am not hungry, but i feel no restriction. I just need to know if anyone else is going through this. i am really scared that i am going to fail. I am still down 35 pounds since my surgery which i think is great for 4 weeks, but i am scared anyway. any ideas?? Jen
on 12/11/07 6:56 am - San Juan Capistrano, CA
Jen, I know how you feel. I am 3 weeks out and feel so good, sometimes I wonder if anything was really done. But...I am just going to be thankful for the apparent skill of my surgeon and NOT test the boundries.  Also, after losing 24 lbs pre-op ( 3 week liquid protein diet) and 11 lbs at 8 days post op, I haven't lost any more since ( that is 12 days with no loss) . But...Thanks to what I have read on this board, I am going to remain patient, follow the plan and keep moving forward.  I have occasionally had days where I want to eat more and think about food obsessively, that is discouraging to me so soon after surgery. This has happened when I am excited about trying a new food. In fact I decided to stop with the mashed potato's as they were a trigger food before surgery and I get way too excited about them now.  I have had 2 times where I felt full and a bit uncomfortable after a meal,  so I know there is some difference. I also don't feel hungry, but hunger was never the reason I overate to begin with. Plus, at this stage, trying to get enough water & protein in daily, I am always full to the gills. Congrats on 35 lbs. gone forever! Let's just keep moving forward & trust the process :) Take care, Jo     



on 12/11/07 9:36 am - IN
I felt the same way.  I have however found some things that bother me.  If I eat chicken too fast it hurts, sugar alcohol makes me dump, but for the most part the only difference was not being hungry.  I am 6 months out now but I worry about next year!  Will I start being hungry again and over eat??? 
Shelby Kelley
on 12/11/07 12:44 pm - GA
I am glad I am not the only one out there with this problem !!! I am close to being a month out myself and have had no real problems....... I am ate a taco today !!! Some times I wonder if I actually had the surgery ??

on 12/11/07 11:45 pm
I'm wondering why you want to test the boundaries when that is what got us overweight in the first place.  My cousin had the surgery, tested the boundaries and she is now heavier than she was before the surgery.  We need to realize that this is our last chance to live a healthier life. I am 5 months out, I measure my food and always will.  I find that as long as I stay within the boundaries I can eat anything.  The only things I avoid are sugar and white flour.  If I am dining out, I will eat a small piece of white bread but I don't eat it at home.  I eat whole grain breads.  I figure that if God made it I can eat it (including potatoes), but I avoid processed foods as much as possible. You have to remember to chew, chew, chew.  If you chew well you will find that you can eat chicken, fish, or whatever.  Chew well and stick to measured amounts of food and you will be satisfied.  I use a small saucer or a pyrex custard ramekin to hold my food.  Be patient, in time you will be able to eat more.  YOU CAN DO IT!
Deb *.
on 12/12/07 2:44 am
Something to keep in mind, during the surgery some of the nerves that give you the "full" feeling are cut.  They take time to heal, up to 6-8 weeks.  You may not feel any "full" feeling until 2-3 months after surgery.  However, you should measure your foods and stick to what portions your surgeon advised.   I didn't get any feeling of fullness till about 2 to 2 1/2 months after surgery.  I also have not had very many problems with different kinds of foods.  That's a good thing, you're not supposed to have problems with foods.  I had a bout of gastrits at 8 weeks out that cause me to throw up alot, but after that cleared up I rarely have problems.   I would suggest trying to change your thinking from "testing to see if you could get sick or uncomfortable" to "learning your limits now".  I rarely feel full like I used to.  Now I know that when I sigh while eating (unconciously) or when my nose starts to run a bit I'm full.  You have to relearn your body's signals and you have to give your body time to heal and recooperate from the surgery. Debbi

on 12/13/07 10:29 pm - MA
I have RNY on 11/26 and have lost only 11 pounds since then--and I've averaged 60g protein and 650-700 calories/day. It's great that I am hearing folks have lost 35 lbs...but I am wondering why in the hell I am not down more??? I feel like I'm eating nothing more than I'm supposed to be, I haven't eaten more than I am supposed to, or tried stuff that I should not be eating...and still only 10 pounds?   Tell me that I'm not doing something wrong!
Ellen From MA
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. -- Robert Collier
Lap RNY 11/26/07
HW 316/SW 252/CW 240

Jennifer K.
on 12/14/07 4:00 am - Phoenix , AZ
The surgery isnt designed to make you sick, get food stuck or to have food intolerances - those are all possible side effects of the surgery... note the word possible. If you were relying on dumping/getting sick etc to be a deterrant for 'bad' behavior then I suggest you not even test the waters. As stated above it takes time for you to heal from surgery and your mind to figure out its plumbing - Im going to assume you are on a modified diet being only 4 weeks out - when you move to more 'normal' eating you will find out how different foods effect you.... as you get further out you will also learn how to tell when you are full/done eating! I have 1.5 years out and have never gotten sick... no dumping, no throwing up, no food intolerance - I have to rely on myself to keep me on track!

First visit to surgeon - 288 ~ bmi 45.1
2 week pre-op 252 ~ bmi 39.5
Total lost - 153 Since surgery - 117!
Goal weight - 155 (mine) 180 (surgeons)
Current weight - 135 (2020 I lost 10lbs due to dedicating myself to working out more and being in better shape)

Extended TT, lipo, fat injections - 11/2011

BA/BL/Arm Lift - 7/2014

Scar revision on arms - 3/2015

HALO laser on arms/neck 9/2016

Thigh lift 10/2020

on 12/15/07 5:11 am - sharpsville, PA
I am so glad for your post! I had my surgery the day after yours, the 15th.  I only feel like my food is stuck when i eat chicken, and i either dont chew enough or eat too fast.  Though, I have only lost 27lbs, and that is including the water weight I put on in the hopsital.  I have no thrown up, and I have not dumped.   Good luck! Amy
one hot mama
on 12/17/07 1:28 am - Tennessee/ Alabama

Have you ever considered you are doing things right?

are you eating Sugar?

are you eating fat?

are you eating sugar alcohol?

Probably not.

Understand that people have a different metabolism and lose at a different rate  

use this as a long term tool not a weight loss program you did not put this weight on over night so it will not fall off over night, this is a life changing experience and it will emotionally change you forever. Do not let the surgery control your life you control the surgery.

I know I am only 3 weeks out but I received counseling for a long time before this process as to prepare myself. For the rest of my life I will never eat/drink Sugar, High Fats, Carbonated Drinks...This is of course a personal choice but if they make me dump now why would I want to entertain them later? I think learning to eat healthier now will only be habit later.

I do not own a scale as not to dwell on the # I get that from the DRs office 

This is all my opinion please do not be offended. 


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