Pre-Op diet questions

Amethyst H.
on 12/6/07 3:43 pm - WA
I was put on a pre-op diet on the 3rd and told to lose 5-10 pounds before my surgery date on the 14th.  My surgeon told me I should stick to VERY low carbs, low fat and high protein.  He said I could have some lean meat, and a bunch of lettuce, or some egg replacement or something when I needed solids. I have some trouble sticking to just liquids, but I have been trying  hard.  For breakfast today I had 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and 2 servings of egg replacement.  Lunch was 1 1/4 ounce of grilled chicken and 2 cups romaine lettuce.  Dinner I had a piece of jerky (120 cal, 2g fat, 4g carb and 22g protein).  My calories have been between 380-500 calories since I started the diet and I am exercising more.  Also had a protein shake.  With everything, my calories were just under 500. My question is, is it important that my intake be primarily protein liquids?  Or is it enough to stick to the guidelines of Very low carb, low fat and high protein and eat solid foods?
Laura M.
on 12/7/07 10:01 am - St. Bonifacius, MN
I think it depends on the program. Mine required a liquid diet 10 days before the surgery, it could be from Ensure, Slimfast, or Carnation Instant breakfast, and 5-6 of those a day, and then Crystal Ligh****er, coffee, or tea. It would help healing after surgery if you have a higher amount of protein. Good Luck!
Amethyst H.
on 12/8/07 4:53 pm - WA
Thank you for your response.  I found Isopure, so I am glad I found that... I am working on getting more liquids in than solids.  Everything else just seems so high in fat and carbs except the Isopure and EAS AdvantEdge.
on 12/8/07 1:40 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Hi, Some doctors want you to be on a liquid diet to help "clean out" your intestines. If your intestines are clean during surgery there is less risk for infection. Most doctors require a clear liquid diet one or two days before surgery (that would be broth, juice, water, jello, crystal light, diet snapple) to prevent you from having a lot of stool (poop) in your bowel. Doing this for 10 days is excessive. However, studies show that if you lose 10 pounds-ish before surgery, your liver will be smaller - and it will be easier for you (and your surgeon) to get through the surgery. This, is a good idea. This is not your typical diet as the weight is meant to come off rapidly before your surgery. However your surgeon tells you to lose this weight is his or her business. It's not going to be a way of healthy eating or even a diet you want to maintain in the future. It's a diet that will rapidly get the weight off. In my opinion (and I always stress you should follow the advice of your doctor), you can eat solid foods - just keep your calories low and your carbs low (like you've been doing) to get as much weight off as you can in these next 6 days or so. Getting the protein in is a good idea, but eating protein now won't help you heal later. It will help for you not to be terribly malnourished at the time of surgery. So, stick to the advice of your doc - eat high pro, low carb, low fat - drink plenty of water (or tea or crystal light or diet snapple - whatever you like) and double check with your doc's office to see when it is ABSOLUTELY necessary that you do the liquid diet (to keep your insides nice and clean for surgery). Good luck!! I wish you an easy and successful surgery!!
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Amethyst H.
on 12/8/07 4:48 pm - WA
Thank you very much for your response.  So many people have different ideas about what life will be like post-op.  Some people say that the way I am eating now is the way I will have to eat forever... Some people say you can eat whatever you want and others say we will rely almost solely on supplements.  I appreciate knowing that it will be a little more well rounded in the future.
on 12/9/07 1:04 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Everyone reacts differently to the surgery.  You'll see what works for you.  There is not one diet that works for everyone - sometimes it's a "guess & check" type system.  See what works for you.  :) 
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
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