Preop questions......

on 12/5/07 9:13 am - KS
Hi... Getting ready to have my RNY 12/20.   Questions...... Vitamins?  What are you taking that work?  I have read many posts...gathering as much information as I can to make an informed, budget friendly decision...other I really need to purchase iron, or B-12 yet?  I bought the calcium chews.....they are good.  Any other suggestions. Proteins...still struggling with finding anything that is not awfully sweet.  Suggestions for shakes...supplements....please, this one is a biggy. What else do I need right after surgery??   My concerns are that I am not going to have on hand what I need.  I know that my tastes may change, and perhaps this is JUST NERVOUS CHATTER....but am trying to ease some of these jitters by planning as much as I can.  I am ready.....but still I admit my nerves have been up and down...all around the past couple of days. Any help would be appreciated, and thank you in advance for your response.


Robin W.
on 12/5/07 12:33 pm - Franklin, OH
IRON. My doc had me on RX IRON for 3 months then moved to OTC so you might wnat to ask you doc about that one.    B12. I didn't start B12 until about 6-9 months out. Again you might ask the doc.  PROTEIN. I like EAS in the silver boxes. I think they are called Carb control or carb Advantage. You can find them at WalMart, Kmart, Sams, almost everywhere the cost about $4-6 per 4 pack so you don't want them for every shake but for on the go type things.   You might wnat to get an unflavored powder so you can add it to SF pudding or yogurt also.  If you have a GNC near you you might wnat to try some different ones that they carry.  It used to be that as long as you have you reciept you could return items even if they were opened and used. I know that the first few months I was on a first name bases with every one at two different GNC stores I was trying so find something that worked.  Good Luck,  Robin

4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220 
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  Dr. Seuss

on 12/5/07 9:59 pm - KS

Thank you!  You look great.....congratulations on your success!  WOWSA!


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