on 12/3/07 9:12 am - Davison, MI

Hi All,      I am so discouraged with myself! I just had my 9 months post op RNY check up; I am in the 55 percent WL. They said by now I should be at 66 percent; I have been at a stand still now for 3 months (fighting the same 2-3 lbs back and forth). I am feeling like a failure! Wondering if I will get over this or not. Any suggestions? Am I all alone? I wonder if others have ever had this battle? What have you done to get through it? If anyone can help me please do! I am sooooo discouraged. I am about 45 lbs from goal; and wondering if I will ever get there at all??? What will it take to get my WL going again; and to get my heart back into the battle? My hope is fading faster than my WL; please help me.. I know I am so much healthier than a year ago; but I still want that final goal that seems so out of reach! Sincerely, Judy R

on 12/4/07 12:33 am - KS
Judy, I stumbled on your post and wanted to say hi.  I'm no nutritionist, and I'm on a serious slowdown (not officially a stall, but very very slow), so I'll be looking for someone to answer your questions.  What do you eat in an average day?  I think I need to up my calories (average 675) to get my weight loss started again.  My doc is against grazing of course, but that's the only way I can see to up my calories, because I can only hold so much in one sitting.  Or I could add very dense calories (read:  high fat), but that doesn't sound good either. Good luck with the rest of your journey.  Who knew a year ago either one of us would be this healthy by now anyway? Sally
(deactivated member)
on 12/4/07 4:53 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

Can you provide some additional information about yourself?  Starting weight, current weight, daily calorie/carb/protein/fat intake, exercise, etc.?  It's hard to offer suggestions about things you could change to continue losing without having more information.  If you're not sure about your daily nutritional information, I'd start by suggesting that you begin tracking this information at or  Then you can look at what changes may help you reach your goals.   I'll check back in a day or so to see if you've had time to update this post.  I am not, by the way, a nutritionist, but I'm happy to offer suggestions that may help you move past this point.   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie

on 12/4/07 8:49 am - Davison, MI
Hi Ladies & fellow WL friends,     Here is my info about me: I began @ 289 lbs in Dec of 06, had High BP, Diabetes, and a lot of other various health problems. I had RNY Feb 5 2007; I am currently @ 193, no more BP or Diabetes. I want to lose at least another 45 lbs. I was doing so well for so long and all the sudden I lost it somewhere! I don't think my protein intake has been as good as it once was, exercise has gone to very little. I have dropped into the rut of discouragement! I know I need to pick myself up, getting moving once again. I have been getting depressed and looking at this stall in a very negative way. I have let this stall take my steam away. I know all the do's and don'ts; just getting myself back on track isn't as easy as it would seem to some. I am proud of how far I have came. I just want to know if anyone else ha**** this wall, and not just crazy me.. Thanks, Judy R
Karen S.
on 12/5/07 2:19 am - Hudson Falls, NY
Hi My surgery was 8/29/07 and I too have had the stall with that 2-3 pounds back and forth...and I too wrote and asked for help...I was told to keep track of my calories, protein and doing this I found out that I was not eating enough protein my calories were like yours 700 at the most and the carbs were okay.  I too was getting very discouraged...However I followed the advice of the nutritionist and fellow RNY's on this site and added the right amount of protein...and the weight started coming off again.  So try counting protein, calories and carbs and see if maybe you need to up the protein... and good lord women exercise that new little body.   Keep smiling and try not to get so down on your self...keep remembering your success so far.  Maybe look at one of those "old pictures" to remind yourself how far you have come.   Good Luck--God Bless Karen Schworm


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