pre-op question* can i have a drink 2 days pre-op?????????

on 12/1/07 11:19 am - FL
i have a holiday party 2 days before my surgery (lap rny). can i have a drink or two? i was just wondering if this will effect anastesia or anything. thank you!!!

on 12/1/07 12:34 pm - AR
Can you not go to the party and NOT drink? What are you going to do at next year's party?  Are you going to drink then?   This surgery is about changing the way you live your life.  It is about making healthier choices.  Why not start making healthier choices now and forget the alcohol? Alcohol does NOTHING good for you now and it CERTAINLY won't do anything good for you post-op.   Please read about transfer of addiction.  People who undergo WLS are at an increased risk of alcoholism.   Please consider stopping drinking all together. 
on 12/2/07 3:04 am - FL
i am not a drinker. i am sorry if you misunderstood me. i have about 2 drinks a year and just wanted to ask is i had one,is it ok. i didn;t think i'd be accused of being an addict right away. trust me i am not! thanks for the concern!

on 12/2/07 5:42 am - AR
If I came across as accusing you of being an addict, I am sorry.  That was not my intention. Many people who don't have addiction problems with alcohol at ALL prior to surgery have them afterwards.  So it is something to be aware of.  That is all I was saying. About 90% of alcohol is metabolized in the liver.  Many pre-ops are put on protein shakes for days or sometimes weeks pre-op to make sure that the liver is shrunk and doesn't cause problems during the surgery.  I would think that putting your liver to work 2 days before your surgery would not be a good idea. Good luck whatever you decide. Much love - Wen
on 12/1/07 12:51 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
If you are still able to eat a regular diet 2 days before surgery, then yes, you can have a drink or two. However, it is not wise to get drunk. Good luck!
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 12/2/07 3:05 am - FL
thank you. i may or may not have a drink but just wanted to know if i could. thank you very much!

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