Clear Liquid Diet

on 11/30/07 7:15 pm, edited 11/30/07 7:16 pm - Sevierville, TN
I am about to have RNYGB on Dec. 21.  The doctor has said that I will be on clear liquids for a week, full liquids for a week to 10 days and then pureed foods for a while.  Can you give me examples of these and any ideas and hints.  Also, what do I do about my meds.  I read somewhere that they need to be smaller than a M&M.  Do I crush the rest?  I live 4 1/2 hrs from my surgeon and have not been able to consult with a dietician.

                      Smoky Mountain Obesity and WLS Support Group 
                    1/17 6:30 LeConte Medical Center              

on 12/1/07 9:08 am
You'll probably get to go to a nutrition class or pre-op class to find out just what you need to eat/drink after surgery and the diet beforhand. My favorites were sugar-free jello and popcicles.  Clear broth tastes really good and hot tea and coffee, are a couple of others.  Pureed foods: jello pudding (sugar-free of course), yogurt, and tomato soup.  Those were my favorites to eat/drink.  Plus you'll have to do protein shakes as well.  The pills are another...not supposed to take any size larger than your pinky'll have to get chewable vits and crush the have to check with your pharmacy to see if your pills are crushable...some are not.  Some pills can come in different forms (e.g. previcid comes in capsule or chewable). 

on 12/1/07 3:14 pm - San Juan Capistrano, CA
Hello! I thnk one of the most important things you can do is find a protein shake/powder that you like during this time before your surgery. That is sometimes a difficult search and it is the basis for what you will be consuming for quite a while after surgery. Protein first, then water . After trying to consume the required amounts, I find little time for anything else because you must sip, sip, sip. I would think your Dr. has some written guidelines with specifics & suggestions, so ask his office to mail them to you. If you need ideas, there is a product reveiw section on this site. One of my biggest challenges is taking my meds post surgey. They were horrible tasting after being crushed and I find it hard enought to choke down the protein shakes. I finally called a Compounding Pharmacy and they can make up almost any med in liquid form, even if it doesn't come in liquid or chewable form from the manufacturer. Unfortunately, the liquid still taste's horrible & bitter but it is easier that trying to swallow the bits of crushed pill while you're on liquids only. I think if I could hide them in applesause or yogurt ( usually part of "full liquids", but ck with your dr.) it would be easier however,  my dr. wants me on clears & protein for 4 weeks post-op. I would definately ask your drs. advice or show him the pill before you determine if it's ok to take a small pill.  Also, I learned from this board that you cannot take NSAID's after GBP. That is tough for me & something to consider if you take anti-inflamatories.  If you type in your topic under search & click "OH" , you will find a landslide of info on this has been very helpful to me.  although I am still on clears & only 10 days out, I hope that helps.  Take care, Jo



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