protein and how much at once

Laura M.
on 11/30/07 6:43 am - St. Bonifacius, MN
I heard whey protein wasn't a good protein, is that true? And how much protein can the body digest at one sitting? I heard not more than 30g, some things like protein bullets are 42g is the rest getting wasted.
on 11/30/07 10:00 am - OH
That is what I have been trying to find out too. How much protein do I need a day?
on 11/30/07 12:46 pm - East Granby, CT
I'm not an expert, but my surgeon has us with a goal of 60-70 g of protein each day.  And the suggested protein supplement he has us use is Nectar Whey Protein, so I;m sure it's not bad for you. As for how much protein the body can take at one sitting, I;m not sure.  Maybe the experts will chime in on that. I hope that helps you a bit.
on 11/30/07 1:04 pm - Canton, MI
Whey protein is what my surgeon/nut recommended that I try first.  Some folks find they can't do the Whey and have to go to Soy I believe it is.   You will see this often if you read the boards but all Nuts/surgeons are different and right from they beginning they wanted me to do 80-90 g a day.  And they told me it would not hurt to have 42 g in my protein shakes at one time  (that is how much my powder has per scoop)   As for the wasted protein, I really don't know.  I have read that more then 30 is a waste and I have read that it is not.  So as long as I don't show signs of any kidney problems or stones I go for the gusto to make sure I get all my protein in, even at 8 months out. I was told though to make sure I drink plenty of water to help flush out any excess protein so it doesn't sit and build up and form kidney stones. This isn't gospel it is what I have read hear, other places and heard from my nut. Hugss CarolynK

Highest 360  Surgery 333 Current 168 Goal 150
BMI Highest 65.8 Current 32  Height 5'2"
Hernia Repair/TT 9.23.08

Kathy C
on 11/30/07 9:51 pm
The whey is the kind of protein they recomend, not the soy. Its better absorbed for us. I to have heard about 30 or so grams of protein one sitting, because the body can only absorb so much at a time, just not positive on the exact amount.



Anchor cut Tummy Tuck
muscle tightening 6/20/07


on 12/1/07 12:13 am - Canada
Hello there, this question is asked over & over I think....Here is a link to it asked a few weeks ago...I sure hope this works...the link I mean?
If not, go to about page 7 or 8 see my avitar and question there.
Laura M.
on 12/1/07 9:17 am - St. Bonifacius, MN
Thanks, I found your post and then a ink to another page, I didn't realize they talked about this so much here, I wouldv'e read more instead of posting right away.Thanks 
on 12/3/07 1:51 am - Canada
Hey Laura,
no biggy, that's how we all learn right? Just thought I'd save you some steps.....
on 12/3/07 10:41 pm - Sterling, VA
Hi Laura There are a number of kinds of protein and it gets confusing: 1.  Whey protein is an excellent protein.  Over the decades, as they have developed various ways to guage protein quality (nutritional value) whey has always gotten excellent ratings. The Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences, recommends a protein quality measure called PDCAAS (as do the World Health Organization, the FDA and USDA). Using PDCAAS, whey protein gets a 100 out of 100. The protein that gets a low score is protein from collagen (or hydrolyzed collagen). It gets a 0 out of 100. The supplements that are a concentrated liquid that you see mentioned here are typically mostly or entirely collagen. 2.  The notion that you can only absorb 30 grams has no scientific support that we, and a fair number of others, can find.   You can find references on the web, but if you track them down, none we found are actual references to studies. Having said that, it doesn't seem unwise to spread your protein out a bit over the course of the day.   At least have some in the morning (good for other reasons) and some later in the day...but I cannot offer any support for that !!  :-) Jerome UNJURY Protein
on 12/4/07 10:57 am - AR
1. The 30 gram maximum absorption per "dose" is a myth.   2. Whey protein is the best protein because it has all the enzymes in it that you need. 3. If you cannot do whey (some people can't), soy protein is okay (not as good as whey, but you'll live). 4. I use the New Whey 42g bullets (in grape and fruit punch flavors) from, mix them with crystal light and they are good (NOT STRAIGHT.  But with the same flavor crystal light, they are good.)   5. I was told to get at least 60 grams of protein a day.
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