Major Stall

on 11/25/07 12:48 pm
I have not lost a pound since September,,,,,,, as a matter of fact I flucutate (SP?) gaining 3 lbs. then loosing it then back on and so on....... I have lost inches but no pounds. I know this is good but whats up with the gain??????? I walk 4-5 x's a week. Should I go back on liquid? I eat my protein first I eat at least 70-100 gr. protein but probably don't drink enough water about 4-5 cups water or some fluid. Any suggestions??? I am getting very discouraged. I see my Dr. tomorrow and I will see what the doc thinks too. Please Help! Elaine

on 11/26/07 4:16 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Sometime you may see weight gain with water weight. Do you feel you are retaining fluid? Are you fingers or ankles puffy? Stalls are not uncommon. Take a look at your current food intake - has it changed recently? What about exercise? Has anything changed? Are you ready to increase the intensity or duration of exercise? In addition, you're right - take a look at your fluid intake. It's important to drink 64 oz of fluid per day (if you've read previous posts, there is A LOT of discussion on fluid - if you need the link, let me know). Try not to get discouraged - if you're eating right, drinking fluid & exercising -- this stall should pass.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 11/26/07 10:27 am
Thanks for your support and advice.I am going to keep record again of my food and water intake and see if this helps. I saw my surgeon today and he said I may not be eating enough calories and my body may be in starvation mode. He sugested  I call the nutrionalist tomorrow and get her advice.  I would like the likn about the fluid intake information , thanks.  There is always lots to learn from everyone. Elaine

on 11/26/07 1:06 pm - CA
on 11/26/07 2:23 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Regarding the fluid post:  It was posted by Danielle: "Well besides the obvious of dehydration... Maybe the seriousness of dehydration is not understood here.  When people die of lack of food & water, they are dying from lack of fluid - period.  Your body can go without food for MONTHS.  Your body can go without fluids for DAYS - sometimes hours.  Your body has systems that are dependent on transport of nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide removal, waste removal - everything goes into the river of your circulatory system.  If you have no fluid to circulate, your lungs have to work harder, your heart has to work harder, your kidneys have to work harder.  In time, they get sick of working so hard & they shut down.  Simplified answer, but hopefully conveys the seriousness of dehydration. One of the number one causes of elderly people admitting to hospital is dehydration.  They have reduced thirst associated with age & forget to drink.  Sometimes the blood pressure drops (due to dehydration) and they fall - resulting in any number of injuries from hips to closed head trauma and everything in between.  We have to hook them up to an IV to rehydrate them, get their electrolytes under control - and then treat whatever happened to them. If you talk to post RNY'rs about what got them in the hospital - I would bet that 75% of them had dehydration (maybe in addition to other things).  Dehydration can kill you. As a side note, death by dehydration is a relatively pleasant way to go, you get disoriented, start to hallucinate, your body releases endorphins to deal with the pain of the toxemia.  Then the body shuts down. Do you understand why fluids are so important? Regarding timing of fluids.  Yes, drinking while you eat can stretch your pouch.  Yes drinking while you eat can wash the food through your pouch, thereby allowing you to eat more at a meal AND stretching your pouch.  It doesn't "wash out" nutrients, it just sends them to the intestine a little faster. Did I get you thinking?"
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 11/26/07 8:44 pm
Whow! Very powerful! I know my fluid intake is a little low !  I drink about 40-50 oz of fluid a day. I will really try harder to get more in. I have the gastric Sleeve so I can probably consume more that the RYNer can. Thanks for the info. Elaine

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