How to tell-Am I hungry- or Full?

on 11/22/07 11:27 pm - IL
I am now 3 weeks postsurgery.  I have been following my 'prescribed diet; clear then moved to full liquids, now can have some carrots, greenbeans, in addition to the clear & full liquid diets.  BUT-  I don't know when I am HUNGRY or Full!  I am trying to look for hints/signals from my body, but I just don't get it.  I am so FRUSTRATED!  I can cry at the drop of a hat.  I am also sooooo tired.  Iwas ready for everything about the surgery except for how TIRED I would be.  Aghhhh... help!
on 11/23/07 1:08 pm - Canton, MI
I am not a dietician but you have just had your tummy rewired!  They cut some nerves and we do not get signals that tell us or if they do they might not be right. For at least 6 weeks if not longer I ate on a schedule.  I ate only the amount that my Nut told me to eat.  I did not eat any more cause how in the heck would I know if I was full or not? At 8 months out I still have to work at remembering to eat in a timely fashion.  I love it! I have only been truely hungry a couple of times and that was a new feeling for me.  I had never let myself get hungry before surgery and that is when I started setting definate meal times or I would forget. As for the crying..emotional upheval and surgery go hand in hand.  I have been told that we store hormones in our fat and with rapid weight loss it releases them and then they play havoc with our emotions.  Is that true or not I don't know but once the really rapid weight loss slowed down so did my depression and witchyness Again you have just had major surgery, your body is trying to catch up with what was done to you, so it makes you tired so it can get the rest you need.  This passes with time, just make sure you get your protein and vitamins and things will settle down. I hope this helps. Hugs Carolyn

Highest 360  Surgery 333 Current 168 Goal 150
BMI Highest 65.8 Current 32  Height 5'2"
Hernia Repair/TT 9.23.08

on 11/23/07 8:49 pm - IL
Thanks Carolyn.. I know in my 'right mind' that everything i am experiencing and everything you said take time- I am just dealing with alot of 'head ' games right now.  My husband and son are supportive but I am just not a patient person appearantly...when it comes to myself.  If it were anyone else, I would be telling them,  Hey- you just havd MAJOR surgery 3 weeks ago... you should expect to to feel this way.  But I just 'feel' like I should be BETTER....   I need to live by the motto:  Good things come to those who wait.... thanks again for the shoulder to lean on and ear to listen! sue
on 11/23/07 9:45 pm - Canton, MI
ROFL I know what you mean.  I can give advice, hopefully good, but when it comes to me...come on now lets get going!  Be prepared your head has just started but if you can face surgery and the hoops that come with it, you can beat the head! Carolyn

Highest 360  Surgery 333 Current 168 Goal 150
BMI Highest 65.8 Current 32  Height 5'2"
Hernia Repair/TT 9.23.08

on 11/24/07 2:30 am - Charlotte, NC
Thank you so much for this post, I'm 4 weeks out and have been feeling this way also...I had been really nervous about the my success....but your post has gave me confidence to continue moving forward....Thanks again....
on 11/26/07 4:08 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Hi, I have not had WLS, but I can tell you what my clients have told me. Regarding feeling of fullness - you are only using the upper portion of your stomach - the lower portion has been bypass (if you are a standard RNY). You may feel feelings of fullness in your upper chest, or even in your arm or shoulder. Some have describe it to me as shoulder tightness. Regarding hunger and appitite -- it's not uncommon not - to feel this at all. It's the hardest one -- primarily because for so many years your hunger and appitite were so strong - and suddenly now it's gone. My advice: eat 3 meals each day and a snack at night. Don't wait for hunger pains. Eat protein first. Surgery takes a lot out of you & the drugs they give for pain control & anesthesia -- they can really screw up your emotions. It's OK. "This too shall pass". If you find yourself still feeling sad or depressed when you are 12 weeks post op, you will want to seek the advice of your PCP or surgeon. As far as being tired -- yup, you're normal. Your body is using every ounce of energy you have to heal. Things typically pick up around 6 weeks post op. Gook luck - try not to be too hard on yourself & take it easy for the next few weeks. :)
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 11/26/07 9:26 pm - IL
Thank you for the pep talk.  I know that each day is better than the last.  I have more 'up' times than low or bad times.  I researched everything I could get my hands on for over 3 years prior to having this surgery, but no one can tell each person how "they" will feel, or get through everything. Thanks again for the help.
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