Peanut Butter

~ Stylz ~
on 11/20/07 2:11 am - North of Boston, MA
Can the dieticians give us ideas on what peanut butters are better for you than others?  Most pb's out there have 2-3 gr. saturated fat.  There are some that are "low fat", but looking for ones in lower saturated fat, I came across this article and wonder what the best options are..

Many people buy low-fat peanut butter in an effort to eat healthier. However, I’ve recently learned that low-fat peanut butter is created through replacing the fat with corn syrup. So, you may be getting a bit less fat, but the corn syrup is pure carbs. And since carbs don’t have the satiety of fats or protein, it’s easier to gain weight since you won’t feel as full from a given amount of food.

But, there’s no need to feel guilty about the extra fat — peanut oil is one of the good fats :). As a monounsaturated fat (just like olive oil and canola oil), it helps to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol).

Most regular peanut butter is made through hydrogenating the peanut oil (which makes the peanut oil semi-solid at room temperature). However, the hydrogenation process creates trans fats — the worst kind of fat. Trans fat tends to raise the bad cholesterol while not raising the good cholesterol (even saturated fat, which isn’t particularly good for you either, raises both the good and bad cholesterol). thanks in advance :)

post - op 261.2/current 124.2/goal 125

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"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."

on 11/20/07 1:18 pm, edited 11/20/07 1:18 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Stylz, I believe the best peanut butter is one of the 'natural' types that contain only peanuts, peanut oil with or without salt that must be stirred to mix the oil with the more solid part.   Not that "natural" is better, but all other peanut butters have corn syryp, stabilizers and preservatives in them and I think that having the pure form is healthier.  Just remember that all peanut butters are naturally high in fat, contain moderate protein and are plant products so contain no cholesterol.  Even the natural peanut butters contain 2-3 grams of saturated fat, but as long as you eat less than 10% of your total calories from saturated fat that is fine.  In terms of the lowfat peanut butter, it sounds like an oxymoron to me.  I would compare this to the low carb ice cream bars which have a low amount of sugar, but higher levels of fat and saturated fat than their regular counterpart.  In food manufacturing, if you take out sugar, you replace it with fat and if you take out fat, you replace it with some type of sugar.  See how that works?  Unfortunately, consumers are frequently misled to think that certain products are healthier because the fat or sugar content is reduced, but the ingredient they are reducing MUST be replaced with something.   Hope that helps answer your question.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
~ Stylz ~
on 11/20/07 9:33 pm - North of Boston, MA
On November 20, 2007 at 9:18 PM Pacific Time, MelaniaB_RD wrote:
Stylz, I believe the best peanut butter is one of the 'natural' types that contain only peanuts, peanut oil with or without salt that must be stirred to mix the oil with the more solid part.   Not that "natural" is better, but all other peanut butters have corn syryp, stabilizers and preservatives in them and I think that having the pure form is healthier.  Just remember that all peanut butters are naturally high in fat, contain moderate protein and are plant products so contain no cholesterol.  Even the natural peanut butters contain 2-3 grams of saturated fat, but as long as you eat less than 10% of your total calories from saturated fat that is fine.  In terms of the lowfat peanut butter, it sounds like an oxymoron to me.  I would compare this to the low carb ice cream bars which have a low amount of sugar, but higher levels of fat and saturated fat than their regular counterpart.  In food manufacturing, if you take out sugar, you replace it with fat and if you take out fat, you replace it with some type of sugar.  See how that works?  Unfortunately, consumers are frequently misled to think that certain products are healthier because the fat or sugar content is reduced, but the ingredient they are reducing MUST be replaced with something.   Hope that helps answer your question.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thanks Melania, If natural peanut butter contains only peanuts and oil, where would the corn syrup, stabilizers and preservatives come in?  Can products not list ingredients?  I thought all products had stated on the nutrition label. 

post - op 261.2/current 124.2/goal 125

~~~  down 137 pounds  ~~~


"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."

on 11/21/07 3:48 am - Costa Mesa, CA
I'm sorry if I confused anyone about the corn syrup, stabilizers etc. in peanut butter.  If you look on the label of a 'natural' peanut butter the only ingredients are peanuts and salt.  If you look on the label of Jif, Skippy, Peter Pan etc you will see peanuts, partially hydrogenated oils, sugar or corn syrup, etc.   ALL ingredients contained in the food MUST be listed in descending order of amount, meaning the first ingredient is present in the highest amount, 2nd ingredient the next highest amount, etc.  This information is present on the 'Nutrition Facts' panel of all foods per FDA regulations.   Hope that clears up any confusion I might have instilled. 
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
~ Stylz ~
on 11/21/07 6:35 am - North of Boston, MA
so if the only ingredients are roasted peanuts and salt (like in Teddie Bear and Smuckers naturals) is there added corn syrup, stabilizers and preservatives?

post - op 261.2/current 124.2/goal 125

~~~  down 137 pounds  ~~~


"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."

Pam T.
on 11/22/07 10:49 pm, edited 11/22/07 10:49 pm - Saginaw, MI
Stylz - NO! If it's not listed in the ingredients, then it's simply not in the product.  Natural peanut butter is just that ... natural.  No additives or preservatives, it's just peanuts. In fact, you can literally make your own peanut butter the same way manufacturers do --- just put peanuts in a food processor and let it whirl until it becomes peanut butter.  Add a bit of salt for taste and it's exactly the same. I personally have eaten natural peanut butter for years because I try to stay away from anything with the word "hydrogenated" in the ingredient list.  That stuff is bad bad bad!  :-) Pam

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~ Stylz ~
on 11/23/07 5:08 am - North of Boston, MA
thanks for the info Pam, I'm going to try and make my own too.  Did you buy roasted peanuts or raw ones?  I'd think roasted would have a better taste, but raw is better for you? I had this surgery to lose weight and feel like I've made myself healthier, but know I can do more (eat grass fed meats instead of whats in the stores, juice veggies if I cant get enough veggies and nutrients in during the day, stay away from sugar as I have since surgery and now rid myself of artificial sugars).  this surgery was to make a life change and make me healthy, why not make me healthy 120% right?  :)

post - op 261.2/current 124.2/goal 125

~~~  down 137 pounds  ~~~


"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."

on 11/21/07 10:53 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello stylz, i recently found a peanut better that is all my local health and vitamin store. it is nuts .... grounded up.....  nothing else is added to it. no sugars or syrups. or other stuff. its just nuts.  :-) and to be honest ...... it actually TASTES like peanut butter! ask around or do a little reseach on where you can get this by where you live. ... it taste delicious..... Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

~ Stylz ~
on 11/23/07 5:10 am - North of Boston, MA
thanks Lizzy!  do you happen to know what the name is?  I've seen a protein pb at vitamin shoppe made with peanuts, flax seed, egg whites and wheat germ, but haven't heard reviews on it yet..

post - op 261.2/current 124.2/goal 125

~~~  down 137 pounds  ~~~


"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."

on 11/24/07 12:37 am - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hello Stylz, there is no name for it..... They usually use just regular peanuts. they do not add anything else. They put regular nuts in the machine and they just grind it up. and the nuts come out very smooth. The best thing to do is ... start making your own peanut butter ... i do this once in a while ... put the peanuts in the food processor grind the nuts up until it is nice and smooth. BUT ...If you see the nuts not smoothing out just add a tiny bit of water to it..... and it should be just fine :-) i love making my own peanut butter because then I will know exactly what is IN the peanut butter.... and i will not get sick. usually i always get very sick with the regular peanut butters.... so i stay away from regular P.B hugss Lizzy

Hugs & Kisses

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