??? Nutrition & Vitamins Questions

on 11/19/07 12:46 am - Tallahassee, FL
I had surgery over 5 years ago with great results.  However, 2 babies later, I gained 40 lbs of it back.  I have started trying to get myself back on track by using www.Sparkpeople.com for their food & water tracker and fitness tracker, which helps greatly.  Seeing what goes in is amazing.   I want to keep in an appropriate nutrition range without putting my overall nutrition in jeopardy.  For example: I'm eating very little veggies/fruits/dairy and I don't think that's correct.  Protein: I think this should be minimum of 60.  Look right? Calories: (set at 1000-1100 because Sparkpeople won't go less.  I avg 700-800 a day.) Fat:  They recommended 32-56g per day, so I left it alone. Carbs:  This is a big issue for me.  They recommended over 100 carbs and I went WHOA!  I am limiting myself to 30g per day (actual not net carbs-I don't do net carbs). I did try going to a nutritionist locally, but they were still learning about WLS and I haven't found one yet that's familiar enough with it to help me.   I have set up an appt with a new PCP to make sure everything else looks good. Also-I have run out of my vitamins/calcium that I usually order from my Dr.  What is good as OTC vitamins to take until I can get the others ordered?  Thank you to anyone who can take the time to answer me!


RNY 3/20/2002 - Best Decision Ever

on 11/19/07 11:53 am - CA
You say yourself that you should eat more veggies/fruits/dairy - it is impossible to do that if you limit yourself to 30 g of carbohydrate each day. There seems to be a mindset amongst the WLS crowd that carbs are bad - but the most nutritious foods (whole grains, vegetables and fruits which are loaded with vitamins and minerals and fiber) contain carbohydrates.  If you are trying to limit sugars, that's one thing.  Most dairy products (unless they are high fat) contain some lactose (sugar - carb).  The one exception that comes to mind is cottage cheese. So are you concerned with carbs - really? If I may offer my professional opinion - it would be very valuable for you to look for balance in your diet.  You should consume an appropriate amount of protein, less than 25-30 % of calories from fat, and then the rest of your goal calories should come from nutrient-rich, fiber-full carbohydrates.  The calorie level that works for you with your current activity level can be your starting place. I agree that seeing a dietitian is a good idea. As far as vitamins, you can purchase appropriate supplements from many different sources.  There are a lot of members on these boards that discuss that issue - look for the posts.  You may be able to save a lot of time & money by finding a different brand to buy! Good luck & I hope this gives you a place to start.
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 11/19/07 10:22 pm - Tallahassee, FL

Thank you for your input.   I will look into the vitamins on the boards.

As for the carbs, I have always been told that carbs are not a good thing (from my Dr).  I am trying to just eat healthy now and I guess the best way to do that is to keep searching for a dietitian/nutritionist to discuss my individual plan.   I was really just looking for advice on my other numbers until I can get one.  Thanks for providing the above %.   Have a great Thanksgiving!

on 11/19/07 11:11 pm

Hi Marcy,

Congratulations on your babies; they are so worth having to go through some weight loss effort now, of course!  But I know it's hard  to lose after a baby.  I gained tons of weight, presurgery, with each of my three pregnancies!

I'm taking two chewable Centrum vitamins a day at separate times, not together.  I take 1500mg of calcium CITRATE in divided doses, as well.  I also supplement with iron, B complex, D3, A, and B1.  You might want to take a look at Michelle's site, vitalady.com.   She has tips and a lot of info on our nutritional needs after wls.  She was five or six years out and had a bone density scan and found she had osteopenia, after years of taking calcium carbonate.  We really do absorb calcium citrate better, as it doesn't require as much stomach acid for absorption.  Anyway, you could take a look and see what you think.  She's done a lot of research because of what she went through. Happy Thanksgiving! Steph

Extended tummy tuck/hernia repair on July 28, 2008! Five pounds of skin removed!
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself.  Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~W.D

Weight at surgery on July 26, 2006: 304 lbs
Lowest weight: 147 (157 pounds lost!)
Regain over the past 2 years (2012-2014) - 59 pounds
REBOOTING! :) Working on losing back down to 160 (beginning Jan. 18, 2015)

on 11/19/07 11:22 pm - Tallahassee, FL
Thanks for that great info.  I will look into it soon.  It's naptime for the kids-so now is perfect. 


RNY 3/20/2002 - Best Decision Ever

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