gastric bypass diet/endometriosis diet please help

on 11/17/07 12:38 am - WY
I had a hysterectomy 2003, fibroids and endometriosis, ovary removal December 2004 cysts and then gastric bypass April 2004.  I was taking Megastrol as a HRT and to help w/endo pain it worked very well keeping the pain away, I recently stopped taking that (should have been only short term) and another Dr. put me on estrogen, wrong thing to take if you have/had endo. Any way my pain is returning and I do not want to go back on any HRT.  So I did a search on foods to avoid for endo. Unfortunatley a lot of the diets suggest staying away from meats, animal organs egss, dairy products.  Many of the products that they suggest staying away form I shouldn't be eating any way, like sugar, flour, processed foods ets.  How can I blend the requirements that I have as a gastric bypass patient and also one with endo?  I have regained 30 pounds of my 140 pounds lost and I am trying to lose those.   Believe me it really is tough and a challenge I feel.  I just don't know how to meet this challenge and I am hoping that someone can help with some suggestions for me. Thank you so much Mechelle
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