Professional help pls.....nothing is getting through

on 11/13/07 10:22 pm - CO
Hi I am concerned. I am 2 weeks post op.  I was sent home on a 3 week full liquid diet and after about a week was feeling great so I called my NUT and asked her about progressing to the next level and she said that it would be ok since I had had no complications, just to go slowly.  Well I (after a week) ate a mashed up banana and immediatly was in the bathroom with loose stools for about 20 min.  The problem is over the next five days I hadn't been able to have a bowel movement so on day number 5, I went ahead and took a suppository; that did the trick but also made me pass this slightly bloody mucus.  I called my Doc's office and his nurse put me back on full liquids and told me to take MOM.  I am worried because all that did was give me gas.  How long will it take for me to start having a regular bowel movement again.  Have I done some kind of damage and just don't know it? 
on 11/14/07 2:33 am - Plymouth, MI
You do have a call in to the doctor to ask this, right? 

on 11/14/07 12:31 pm - CA
Did you continue eating solid foods so you have an expectation of having a big BM? It usually takes the colon about 5 days post-op to "wake up" after surgery - so that's a part of it.  Your pre-op diet will factor in.  Your pain medications (if any) will factor in.  The amount you have been able to eat since will factor in.  Also, the things that are in your colon can become "dry" which is why a stool softener or laxative are often recommended.  Passing mucous with stool softeners or laxatives is not unusual - your body was trying to add its own lubrication to get the stool out, then you gave it a little help... As many people will tell you, it often takes a while for "regular" BMs to start again.  Often your idea of "regular" will change to either less frequent or more frequent BMs post op. Be patient, this is all still new and your body is making many adjustments.
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 11/15/07 10:40 am - Independence, IA

Just a thought on this, but why did you eat a banana?  With RNY and I'm almost 4 years out sometimes bananas still do not set well with me....It's something about the sugar in them.  On the other had other fruits don't bother me.  You've got to remember your body has a big adjustment to go through... I've never really had any problems and advanced my foods a little sooner than the dr's orders... just be very careful -- you'll soon learn what you can & can't eat.  And just because you can eat it today doesn't mean your pouch will like it tomorrow!!!  They are very fickle. Part of the reasoning for the liquid diet is because they want everything to pass smoothing on all the new little incisions and stitches that were done inside of us.  I would either stick with the liquids a while longer or go with something like cottage cheese (very good protein) or scrambled egg.  The first day I was allowed to eat "soft food" I had a half a scrambled egg and thought I'd died and gone to heaven!!!

BM's are something that never seem to be the same again.  At the beginning, at least for me, they tended to be infrequent and loose at best.  Now at almost 4 yrs out they are pretty much what I would consider "normal".  Sorry if this is TMI -- but they are definitely different.  When I don't have a BM for several days I take "stool softeners" - never a laxative and that will help... Also be sure and drink, drink, drink your water.  My new favorite snack is prunes... which seems to be a good thing too.  (I can't imagine actually admitting to that -- LOL)!!

Sorry this is so long, you just sounded like you needed some good advice..  I am almost 4 yrs out, 47 y/o, started at 275 and today weigh 153.  My lowest was 135 lbs and at 5'5" was just a little too thin for me....  Feel free to pm if you need to talk!


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