How many Carbs???

Karen S.
on 11/13/07 12:41 am - Hudson Falls, NY

Please help how many carbs should we have in a day????  I am  5' 1", if that helps.  Thanks for any help.


Brandi F.
on 11/14/07 5:04 pm - Hamburg, PA
Hi, Karen... What carb # did your NUT suggest? Mine didn't really say, but she did say protein fist, of course, and beyond that, carbs should be complex, never simple. She didn't tell me a specific # to stay at.  Some say keep them at 40 grams or below, and others say it doesn't really matter how many grams you have. For me, I try to keep them on the low side, and I get my carbs from veggies and beans. I don't do bread, pasta, or rice and I have had potatoes 3 or 4  times in the last 12 weeks, when I craved them. I'm trying to listen to my body now that my carb addiction has vanished. The first 4 weeks post-op, my head hunger was intense! And I denyed myself everything I craved and just stuck with what I was directed to stick with. So now if I just feel like having some potato, I have a little bit AFTER I have protein. I haven't craved bread, pasta, or rice yet...just the potato. And I tried substituting a white potato for a sweet potato as they have a lower glycemic index...but I didn't enjoy it. Pre-op sweet potatoes were yummy...after, ick. Go figure. That may change, who knows. So, I have no idea what to tell you...just sharing, LOL. My suggestion is to ask your NUT.

Lap RNY on 8-21-07
I'm 5'2'', I'm 34 years old, and I have 175 pounds to lose!!

Karen S.
on 11/16/07 11:18 am - Hudson Falls, NY
Hi Brandi, My NUT did not suggest anything...I have not seen the NUT since I left the hospital.  However I did get a referral from my primary MD and I am now awaiting an appointment with a RD.  I can't wait I have some many question now, that I hadn't thought of prior to the surgery, when I origianlly met with the NUT.   Thanks for sharing what you do...I love this web site because others share and we are all trying to the right things.   Karen Schworm


Brandi F.
on 11/17/07 3:06 am - Hamburg, PA
I love this place for the very same reason.  :) Good luck with your new RD!

Lap RNY on 8-21-07
I'm 5'2'', I'm 34 years old, and I have 175 pounds to lose!!

on 11/18/07 11:45 pm - Tallahassee, FL
Unfortunately, I do not have an answer for you, but I'm sure glad you asked this question.  I will be watching to see *****plies to it.   My Drs told me to just eat protein first, and limit carbs, but have no idea what is considered a limit or if there is a minimum that we should have.  If someone can post a min/max # per day, I will be eternally grateful. So Again, I just  wanted to say THANK YOU for posting this question.  
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