5 days post-op and sick on all dairy products-?

on 11/13/07 6:58 am - IN
There are so many of them on the Phase One post-op diet....I was even in the ER on Monday morning because I was dry heaving. Will it kill me to go to baby-food now? I don't feel hungry -or full. The only way I know I need to eat is that my hypoglycemia kicks in. I'm also having a horrible time getting my fluids in because of the 30min rule and I HAVE to snack for my hypoglycemia. ARGHHH! I don't know what to do. Angie
on 11/13/07 10:33 am - Independence, IA
You should be consulting with your doctor's office and tell them what you are telling us.  They (the dr's) all have specific rules for reasons.  Not trying to sound harsh here, but you are too new out to be asking advice from strangers..  Stick to your doctor's orders ... and try and follow them .. even if you don't like them.. Janie
on 11/13/07 11:06 am - IN
I already talked to my dr.'s office. He was the one who made me come to the ER. I was just seeing of anyone else experienced this. Angoe
Heather S.
on 11/13/07 8:53 pm - Southern, NJ
Angie: I agree that your dr's should be giving the advice for YOU...but I'll tell you what my dr's have given to me, maybe that will help guide your questions for them. 1st, I had surgery the day before you did and I'm still on a clear liquid diet through today!  Broth and Jello have never been so un-appealing to me!  BUT I haven't gotten sick or had any pain to speak of so I think their advice to stay with clear liquids for now was best.  Starting tomorrow I can add in sf pudding, protein powder, smashed cottage cheese and yogurt (all 1 at a time and slowly to see what I'm tolerating).  My nutritionist is saying to mix my protein powder with calorie free liquid, but my surgeon says milk or soymilk is ok...I haven't decided who I'm really following with that one yet...but I WANT to follow my surgeon!! I wonder if your pouch just needs more time to heal before it's ready for milk products.  Also, if you're only having liquids (like I am this week) you don't have to worry about the 30 min rule because EVERYTHING is liquids and runs in/out of the pouch at the same speed. I do know what you mean about not feeling hungry- or full.  I feel the same.  I've just been forcing myself to "eat" (if that's what you call jello or broth) at regular times to help develop the mindset of 3 distinct meals since that seems to be a big reason I became so obese...eating throughout the day or whenever the mood struck rather than making myself eat at meal-times and only at meal-times. I wish you luck, this is just such a learning experience, isn't it?  I keep trying to remind myself that my pouch is like a newborn baby's stomach...I need to go through the steps and test what will be acceptable.  I'd never dream of giving a newborn a carrot or a peanut or whatever I'm craving and think won't hurt me...so I make myself say no to those things out of fear I'll damage my pouch!  I need this "tool" to be sharp and ready to work for the next 18 months!! Heather

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                   Height: 5'-6"  Age: 35

(deactivated member)
on 11/13/07 9:47 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Some people become lactose-intolerant after surgery; not sure if that's what's happening to you, but wanted to share the information.  Perhaps you may have better luck with soy-based products, but I agree with the other posters that you should talk to your surgeon and/or his nutritionist for guidance.   Good luck on your continuing journey, Angie! Kellie
on 11/14/07 12:53 pm - CA
I would also comment on the hypoglycemia Is this a measured low blood sugar or are you going on the way you feel? Ketosis can feel a lot like hypoglycemia, so if you are not sure or if you have problems with blood glucose management I would strongly encourage you to check it out. If you get in the habit of eating because your blood sugar is "low" (without substantiating this with a glucometer reading) you will potentially have big problems in the future with meeting your weight loss goals. Your body is making a lot of adjustments.  Go slow, but also be sure you are trying to understand the adaptations your body is making.
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 11/14/07 8:56 pm - IN
I was very young when I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, diagnosed with Insulin Resistance in 2001, diagnosed with diabetes in 2003. I check my sugars faithfully and my Type II has been diet controlled since early 2004.  My glucose run normally in the 80-94 range. I've been in ketosis before with Atkins-so I know what that feel like and this is NOT it.  Anyway, my NUT approved me to move to the second stage of their diet early because stage I contained too much dairy. It has worked wonders. We also decided to spread my daily six ounces over six meal times instead of three. That may change when I can tolerate more. Other than that, the meds have stopped the puking.  Thanks, Angie
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