Hair Loss

on 11/11/07 5:49 am
I am 4 months post op and have noticed that my hair is falling out and thinning.. how long does this last ... and what causes it?  Thanks for any responses.  Lisa
(deactivated member)
on 11/11/07 8:01 am - NY
Lisa, My understanding was that it was due to a lack of sufficient protein and/or vitamin levels - B12 and zinc were specifically mentioned... I also heard that it does eventually reverse itself although I don't know how true any of this is since I'm only 3 weeks out! Are you meeting your protein goals? are you taking your vitamins? Can't wait for the people who know what they're talking about talk about it! Doris
on 11/11/07 11:03 am - Newark, NJ
Hi..  I don't know what causes it exactly, altho I"m sure I've been told at one point, but it will get better...I lost plenty altho I don't see any thinning per se but when I finger bru**** and wa**** there is loads of hair in the sink, it does stop and gets better, heard Biotin helps, we've all been through it.
on 11/12/07 4:16 am - Costa Mesa, CA
There are many reasons why you have hair loss - rapid weight loss, protein deficiency, malnutrition, affects of anesthesia to name a few big ones. Yes, it will eventually reverse itself - typcially begins around 8 months post operatively --- provided you have adequate protein intake. We've had a lot of comments and posts on this question - it may also help you to review a few of the Q&A from the past 3 months to get a bit more insight on this. ...... protein, protein, protein !!
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Karen S.
on 11/13/07 12:32 am - Hudson Falls, NY
Hi, I am 11 weeks out, and have just started noticing that when I wash my hair I have some in my hands, which scares the hell out of me, because my hair is fine enough...BUT a friend of mine who is 17 months out assured me that 'Yes, you will lose some of your hair (she did) but it will come back and it is actually thicker'  these are her exact words.  I am believing her...but it is still scaring the heck out of me.  Just remember PROTEIN, PROTEIN.  Oh, and she also said Biotin helps. 


Cheryl M.
on 11/13/07 1:51 am - Robbinston, ME

OK, yeah, you will lose some hair.  I also have fine hair and yes, my hair got really thin.  I tried biotin....but I don't think it really worked.  Bottom line for me face got thinner also...and I got a short spikey haircut!!  It looks terrific!  I'm 14 months out and haven't really noticed my hair coming back in much...certainly not thicker.  But I have seen many post here that make that claim for sure.  I personally have had a lot of stress in my life the last year or so I'm guessing many of my hair problems may stem from that as well.   You won't go bald......just a little thin....ALL OVER...remember that!

Remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over! 


on 11/13/07 11:41 am
Thank you everyone for you posts.. It makes me feel better im not the only one.. but not feeling very good as i feel it coming out every morning.. I have started taking the biotin.. so hopefully it will help.   Thanks again for all the great information.  Lisa


on 11/19/07 2:09 am - KY
This is just MY personal experience: I lost a LOT of hair at about 3-4 months out.  I upped my already significant protien intake and got religious about vitimns and water.  I still lost hair.  After doing a quick panick, I got a hair cut.  My once glorious sholder length hair trimmer to frame my face. I got it permed a month or two later, so it was curly.  It's now again ALMOST solder length.  NOT muc thicker, but it looks really really good. For some reason it regrew curlier then it's ever been, it's a littler grayer when I forget to color it (Did that happen due to diet, surgery or age?) but it's definatly come back.  Don't fret over it!  Maybe this is time to do the dramatic hair cut?!? I loved getting mine chopped off, it was freeing. And now that it's thickened up I'm enjoying growing it out again.

~*~ Amber ~*~
highest weight: 335 (possibly more) pounds
current weight: holding steady at about 138-142 
Lowest weight: 136
New goal: Find my balence

on 11/22/07 6:38 am - Indian Trail, NC
Hair loss is common, but not everyone will have it.  It does reverse itself.  I have been taking the biotin and told my surgeon this at my post-op appt, however he told me that I should not be too disappointed if I still end up with hair loss.  Biotin may or may not make a difference.  He seemed to think that it doesn't.
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