Hypoglycemic and having some trouble...
Ok... I was called a "functional hypoglycemic" pre-op, and told it should self-resolve post-op... well... it's only gotten worse! I'm literally crashing every 2-3 hours, and I'm exhausted the rest of the time... I have not had ANY refined sugar - and the only thing I've had I can point to that may cause me to crash at all is the 1/4-1/2 of a banana I've tried on three separate occasions in an effort to recover from a crash..!
I was doing fairly well pre-op in managing my crashes (none for weeks at a stretch) and had learned quite well what to reach for instead of more sugar in order to avoid the after-crash crash...
I had RNY on 10/23/07 and while I've lost 26 lbs so far, I am starting to get very discouraged already...!
First of all, I started feeling hungry on day 3 post-op... not 6 weeks as the surgeon told me...
Second, he insisted I stay on clear liquids for the first 2 weeks, and when I protested at day 9 that I wasn't feeling right, I was told that I needed to "not start eating now" and that it was "important" that I stay on the restricted diet plan... ( I ignored him, and reached for a banana, felt better, and reached for a mashed potato... when I realized how much more human I felt, I knew this was my hypoglycemia rearing it's ugly head and I needed to do something other than his "standard" required diet... I just don't seem to fit the "standard" mold... Go figure! )
So... why am I telling you all this? Well... because I need some help, and I'm not getting it from him...! I need some menu ideas, or suggestions that may help me to stay more blood-sugar level during my remaining three weeks of "pureed foods" diet...
His recommended foods include only the following... Nothing else is "permitted"...
-All sugar free clear liquids -No Sugar added Carnation Instant ∙Breakfast -Skim, 1% milk -Protein shake -Low Fat/ Fat Free cream soups -Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal -Sugar Free Pudding -Lite Yogurts ex. Dannon Light and Fit -Cottage Cheese -Tuna Fish and all other flakey fish -Scrambled eggs -Pureed beef, chicken, vegetables -Unsweetened Applesauce
Now, I should also tell you that I cannot eat soy products, Tuna fish, or (apparently) Eggs... The soy and Tuna is a pre-op sensitivity that is apparently still with me - I tried the eggs post op, and found out what dumping syndrome was all about...!
If you need more info, I'll be happy to oblige... any ideas? (deactivated member)
on 11/10/07 2:11 pm
on 11/10/07 2:11 pm
I don't know if it will help you but I am on my plan b diet because of fluctuating blood sugars. It is on my profile page. My blood sugars have been normal since I started eating that way. I was on SF instant breakfast and skim milk and it sent my blood sugars high and crashing. How many carbs are in the ff soup? cream of wheat... more carbs so I would only eat 1/4 cup at the beginning, sugar free pudding can be too many carbs depending the size of the serving. I only eat 1/2 cup at a time and I am a year out. Dannon Lit and fit is great and I eat it for my milk snack regularly. the rest I eat all the time. Before my plan b I crashed to 21 (I am on no meds) after eating high protein special K and milk. Mind you that my plan b I put together at a year out. It would probably be too much food for you. I find 6 small meals of limited carbs work great. You could probably eliminate the fat and cut my servings in half and be ok. You need to check your blood sugars with a monitor. Low blood sugar is really dangerous especially if you are on medication. Mine drops when I swim and I bring a snack to the pool with me. good luck to you. Linda
Hey Linda... Thank you so much for the reply! Your plan B sounds like a really good idea...! I've never gotten as low as 21!! GEEZ!! At least, not that I know of... I start to get the shakes and ready to pass out near 60, so I've learned to intercept well in advance of that happening...! I don't take any meds for it, never have... just managed my diet, and all seemed ok...
I haven't had the SF inst. Breakfast yet - not much on powdered drinks, and since most of them are full of soy, I tend to avoid them like the plague! Skim milk and I don't get along because it's full of sugar... 12 grams per cup! Put that with a bowl of simple carbs like the Special K and it's crashville in about an hour, for certain! Same is true of the Oatmeal and the Cream of wheat...
Dannon Lite and Fit is great, I agree! Wendy's chili also seems absolutely wonderful! Fills me up, and is packed with ground beef and legumes aplenty! Not supposed to eat it yet, but, I'm starting to not care too much... I feel so much better than I did before I went off "the plan" that I'm starting to believe I need to do this much more my way than their way... I don't really wanna do that, but, I'm so tired of being sick - especially if there's a way to NOT feel sick...!!
Thank you for you input - I'm gonna take another look at your plan B and see how it might help me figure this out...!
Yeah... bananas are reserved now for strictly as a rescue operation... when I know I need something with some sugar to get me back up until the protein will take effect... It's what I used to do pre-op too... Get a banana and two cheese sticks... eat half the banana, both cheese sticks and I'd be absolutely fine for the time it took me to get a meal together... If I needed the other half banana, it was there... if not, such is life... good thing bananas are cheap, eh?
Linda - thank you for your answer and the good wishes... I don't know what the A1Cs numbers mean, and I must say that I think I'm glad I don't have to know!
I did finally hear from a nutritionist IRL who advised me that I needed to add more protein and it should help stabilize me... I've added an extra half scoop of the protein powder to what is now 3 protein shakes per day... my weight loss is still stalled, but, I'm more concerned - and happy - that I've also apparently found the solution...! I haven't had even a close to crash - nothing at ALL!! since I upped the protein to meet the 60 grams... I hadn't realized it, but, I hadn't even been close to meeting half of my protein needs and that's why I was having such a bad time of it...!
I'm very disappointed that none of the "professionals" here decided to answer my questions... Nice to know that there's this really responsive place to seek an answer to a question...! Linda - I thank you from the bottom of my heart! As for the rest... it's been real! See ya!

Unfortunately we are unable to answer ALL questions posted; sorry we missed it. The responses from other members are within the realm of what we would recommend.
Thank you for your understanding!
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
President, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
President, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
One member replied that I should try an entirely new diet based on 6 meals a day... HER plan B... I don't doubt that it works/worked for her... She is also so far away from where I am in terms of post-op dates, even SHE admitted I might find it difficult to adapt her new diet to what I am currently capable of eating...!!
Since this is a diet and nutrition forum, and you RD's are supposed to be the forum leaders, I'd expect at least more than the perfunctory "we can't answer every question" when you've answered only a few of the last several posted! Fascinating also that the first time anyone notices that I've asked a question is when I post a complaint about it not being answered!
I wouldn't expect EVERY question to be answered... but, I DO expect more than what has been offered here. I'll get it elsewhere.
It's true that we miss posts sometimes.
If I can offer an excuse, my hard drive at home crashed and it took a week to get it up and running. I'm sure others out there have suffered from computer woes...
In any case - if you have a question you really need a professional opinion on, you can also send a PM to one of the moderators. As soon as we log on we are notified of a pending message. We all try to review the board regularly and there is a possibility we may miss something. This offers an option if you feel your concern has been overlooked.
We really try - sorry to have missed your question.
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!