No appetite at all
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

Hi Melissa, I appreciate your feedback. As for lactaid, it made me sick too. That plus the "sweet" taste to it was really hard for me to swallow. I am not getting in the protein. Yesterday I think I got in 30 grams if that. I just ate a cup of plain, fat free yogurt for breakfast. I feel lousy. I have a few protein "bullets" but they seem sickly sweet to me and I have been postponing using them. Funny isn't it since I always felt I was born with the world's worst sweet tooth! I have not tried protein bars. As I said, NOTHING really appeals to me right now. I am just so tired of feeling this sick to my stomach all of the time. I don't really want to be back where I was pre-surgery--a cast-iron stomach where I could and DID eat everything! But I would like to look forward to SOMETHING or at least have a desire to eat. Right now sugar-free popsicles are the only thing that don't actually make me ill. That and salty snacks like 4-5 crackers or a handful of pretzels--I think the salt somehow soothes my stomach. Thank you for caring. I am not sure what I will do. I am trying to force at least one meal a day down: usually yogurt. I ate some pot roast last night--maybe 3 ounces but then I was sick for the next 4 hours until I took my RX for nausea. That allowed me to sleep. I cannot do the shakes--they make me sick too. I take a B-100 complex capsule (mixed with water) but it hurts my stomach so I have not taken any this week at all. I have been able to get my vitamin, my calcium citrate capsules, my zinc and my biotin in every day.
Thank you for your advice. I know everything I SHOULD be doing but right now I just feel too lousy to try. I am sick of being sick if you know what I mean.
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos