Solid foods after the 2nd week?

on 11/6/07 4:10 am - Eugene, OR
My Dr. office said we can start on his stage 3 and that's as far as they go which consist of all the food groups, meat, bread, fruits , vegtables. It puzzles me cause all the other Dr.s I've read about don't want you to start solid for around 4 weeks and say the pouch needs to heal. I'm I doing damage or stretching it by starting solids so soon? I'm also not happy with my weight loss. I'm 3 weeks out and lost 10lbs out from the hospital which they said was mostly water. I plataued for 7 days lost 3 gained 1 and am staying the same again. It's so frustrating when I hear people loosing 20 to 30 lbs the first month. Hope you can clear these things up for me.

on 11/6/07 7:41 am - The beautiful state of, AL
Surgeons are so different!  My surgeon allows "soft" proteins after our drains are removed, which is typically after 6 to 7 days depending on what day of the week surgery is performed. My soft proteins at day 8 consisted of a scrambled egg with cheese, various cheeses, peanut butter crackers, peanut butter (eat carefully tho), moist tuna or tuna mixed with a little mayo and things such as this. I have always heard the pouch takes a full 3 months to heal.  I'm 13 weeks post op and for the first time this week I can tell a difference in the way the pouch area feels.  Especially when I eat. I am not allowed steak or white meat chicken until 6 months out.  Breads so long as they are VERY toasted and I have not tried pasta yet or rice.  But at 3 months out it is allowed.  I have just started eating some fresh fruits and only eat a baked potato if it is very soft and I add a little pat of butter since margarine does NOT agree with me at all. I am not sure this will help you at all, but I always liked to hear what people were doing at what stage.  Feel free to PM me if you want to talk more.  The professionals on here will be much more eloquent in their suggestions! ;) I hope you get better results soon! Cynthia
on 11/22/07 6:35 am - Indian Trail, NC
I stuck to the liquid and pureed stage until my first post-op visit, which was 2 weeks out.  The last few days before that visit, I did eat maybe 3 baked French fries, and I had a few servings of cottage cheese, which I admitted to my surgeon.  He said that I was past the critical stage and if I tolerated those foods, then I could go ahead with solid foods on a trial and error basis.  Mind you, this was 2 weeks out from surgery.  So since the second week, I've eaten whatever I've wanted with no problems other than learning what volume of solid food is enough or too much.  You can consume liquids much more easily and in greater volume than solid foods, so it takes some getting used to.
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