Protein bars WITHOUT sucralose or stevia???

on 11/5/07 6:35 am
I'm am trying to find a protein bar WITHOUT sucralose (aka splenda ) or stevia in it, but with low or no sugar. There are plenty of other sweeteners, I just can't seem to find one WITHOUT sucralose. Do any of you know where I could find one?

Darn these infant sized shorts!
Meeting a Paramedic can be a shocking experience ~ "Web Medic"   

on 11/6/07 5:24 am - The beautiful state of, AL
I have had great success eating the SLIMFAST High Protein bars post op.  I prefer the granola chocolate chip version. I am unable to eat Nutra-sweet or splenda, and can only tolerate Sweet n low if I control the amounts.  This is due to migraines and Multiple sclerosis symptoms becoming unbearable. Each bar has 9g sugar 15g protein.  For some the sugar amount may be considered high, but as I said before I have had no problems what so ever.  I'm 13 weeks out and down 57 pounds if that helps :) Best of luck! Cynthia
on 11/6/07 8:51 am
Thank you Cynthia, I do appreciate your input. I get so tired of DRINKING my protein, I eat protein as well but I would like to have something chewable between meals!

Darn these infant sized shorts!
Meeting a Paramedic can be a shocking experience ~ "Web Medic"   

on 11/9/07 2:17 pm - San Juan Capistrano, CA

Hello Cynthia,  I am on my 10th day of my pre-op liquid protein fast. I have had a CONSTANT, unrelenting, migraine type ( sensitive to light & noise)  headache for 5 days. Also, my tongue, throat & roof of mouth is midly sore & itchy. Dr. says my mouth looks ok and since my symptoms haven't progressed I don't think it's viral. Is this normal detox or withdrawals? I've been trying so many different powder proteins to find one I can choke down. It is impossible to determine what I am reacting too. So...I noticed your splenda/stevia comment. Of course, most of the powders have these. I've NEVER had any food allergies and splenda has not been a problem for me.  Any ideas? anyone? Which protein have you found wothout splenda/stevia? I'm hurting and thinking...if I am having this much trouble pre-op how will I handle post-op 4 weeks of liquid diet!The 2 brands I have found that taste ok are Wellments - ProBlend 55 & Iso Pure ( nature's Best). Maybe I should try an unflavored powder and add my own sweetner? any ideas on one that has no taste?  Thanks for any suggestions, Jo

on 11/9/07 11:10 pm - The beautiful state of, AL
Hi Jo: I feel for you having to go through that!  Are you allowed to take your migraine medicines, or are you off all meds until post op?  I was allowed to take mine pre-op and then post op on the second day if necessary.  Thankfully I did not have to.  My pre-op diet for the week prior was soup, salad and sandwiches for the first 5 days, then I switched to liquids, then nothing but clear liquids the day before.  I didn't drink many protein drinks.  Mainly ate broth, jello and popsicles that 6th day.  And, I was allowed regular jello and regular popsicles since the sugar is minimal. The only brand I could tolerate protein drink wise was the EAS AdvantEdge "shakes".  I highly recommend the vanilla instead of the chocolate.  They tasted much more "normal" for me.  I do not eat anything with splenda and stevia around here is very difficult to find.  I can tolerate sweet n low so long as I control the amounts.  What you wrote regarding your mouth sounds like seasonal allergies to me.  So I'm not sure what to tell you there. I take Topamax daily to ward off migraines.  I have two types of migraines.  One is opthalmic and is in my left eye, and the other I have on the top area of my head around the crown.  Usually just to the right of it.  Type two never causes nausea.  Type one on the other hand...I cannot see, and am very sensitive to light and sounds, and literally lose my vision when i look at something.  I only see half of it.  So miserable.  And the nausea it causes is almost unbearable. I wish I could give you a long list of great options to choose from.  I do hope you get over that headache and soon.  Are you drinking a lot of water?  Are you allowed iced tea?  If you are having withdrawals from caffeine, you might want to ask your doctor if tea would help.  My surgeon gives all his patients liquid Dolgic or Feurinol to take to keep withdrawal  headaches away.  You might want to ask about those as well.  We received our prescriptions at our one week pre op check up and were to bring it to the hospital as well. If you would like to PM me, please feel free to do so.  I hope I haven't confused more than helped! The very best of luck to you! Cynthia
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