How many calories???? Please help.

Karen S.
on 11/5/07 10:04 pm - Hudson Falls, NY
I am 10 weeks out, I have just gone through 2weeks of not losing, yesterday the scale finally moved downward, (oh, yeah)...Danielle, RD suggested that I count calories and protein but I have no idea how many calories I should be taking in per day.  I have been keeping track and it averages out to about 600-700 per day.  I am drinking at least 64 ounces of water, usually more.  I walk atleast a mile a day around my town.  I have just returned to work and my plans are to start back at Curves on Wednesday. I want to do the right things, I did not go through this life altering surgery to get to 171 pounds (I am 5' 1"), I guess you could say I am scared and need some input from those who have been there and from any RD that can help.  My doctors office did a great job of pre-teaching but I have not spoken to a RD (other than Danielle)since I left the hospital and lets face it if I knew how to eat healthy to begin with I probably would not have needed this surgery in the first place.  Thanks for any help.  Karen Schworm


on 11/5/07 11:22 pm - NV
You are not alone.  I am 10 weeks out and I have not had a lb lost in two weeks.  I am walking on the treadmill 3.2 to 3.5 miles per day at 3.7MPH so it is a fast clip for me.  I have read people are having plateaus and some people experience it at our stage of the game so I am really not too concerned.  I know I am doing everything just as my doctor ordered. Hang in there and just keep trudging forward that plateau will break. SusieWong
Karen S.
on 11/6/07 4:09 am - Hudson Falls, NY
thank you for your reply.  It is nice to know that I am not alone.  Super for you on the treadmill.   Karen Schworm


on 11/6/07 12:20 am - CA
Keep tracking your calories and protein - this is good information. What about protein, are you getting enough? Do you have a scheduled follow-up with an RD ?  This surgery has such a huge nutrition component, it is really a good idea to meet with an RD for follow up information, specific to your needs.  Pre-surgery,  a person is usually so wrapped up in the procedure that it is difficult to digest all of the information that is provided about the diet changes you will be expected to make.  A follow-up session is a good idea - even if you have to pay for it. Plateaus are common at 2 weeks and again at 8-10 weeks - try not to get discouraged!  This will pass.  They seem like they last forever but they are just your body's way of adjusting to all of the changes it has been making. Hang in there!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

Karen S.
on 11/6/07 4:07 am - Hudson Falls, NY
than you for your reply and support.  At this time I do not have a follow-up with an RD, however I am going to call my primary doctor to see if I can get a referal to an RD here in my area (I had my surgery 1 1/2 hours away from my home).  I totally agree with you when you say pre-surgery you are concerned about the procedure and when I met with the RD I tried very hard to pay attention to everything she said however at that time I did not ask the what and why question that I now know I need answers to...which leads me back to the follow-up which I strongly agree with you that I need at this time.  I have been counting my protein and it falls short most days and I am trying hard to increase this too...I have been taking Biotin to help...still can't find and protein drinks that I can handle either taste or gut wise.  Karen Schworm


on 11/8/07 10:12 pm
Hi Karen, I have not lost a  pound for five weeks and I am frustrated but I keep plugging away. I walk atleast 4 times a week and I get all my prtoein in. The protein I like the best is Isopure vanilla powder mixed (blended) with 1/4 bananna, 1/2 skim milk, 1/2 tsp. cocoa, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, and ice. The protein alone is 50gr. protein with skim milk total is 59 grams and it tastes good. I drink it everyday. Good luck..........I hope mine and your stalls soon move!!!!!!!!!!! Elaine

Karen S.
on 11/13/07 5:00 am - Hudson Falls, NY
Hi Elaine, Sorry it has taken me so long to respond.  I work 7p-7a and I waited until my day off to check my e-mail.  I went to GNC and bought the Isopure...I will be trying it shortly.  I am praying that it tastes good to me too.  By the way it was on sale $36.99.  At GNC it is on sale until the 20th of this if I like it I will go back up and buy more...because otherwise (you probably already know this) it is $59.99.  However if it works then it will be worth the price.  Thanks again. PS:  I finally went down 2 pounds today.  Hope you have had some luck too.  Karen Schworm


on 11/14/07 10:10 am
Hi Karen, The sale at GNC is until Nov. 20th? I will definatley stock up,,,,,,,, it is my favorite. Thanks Elaine

Karen S.
on 11/14/07 3:24 pm - Hudson Falls, NY
yes it is on sale until the 20th...I will be stocking up also..thanks again.  Karen Schworm


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