Caloric intake

on 11/5/07 9:01 am - Columbus, OH
Hello, I'm almost  4 years post op, and I've gain about 40lbs over the last year after having a hysterectomy.  I tried the 5 day pouch test, and lost 7 lbs in the first week.  I began October 12th, and I have kept my caloric intake to under 1000 calories (on most days), and I have not lost any more weight since the first week.  What can I do to loose this 40 lbs I've re-gained?  I did begin 30 minutes of exercise 4 days per week, and 2 days of 30 min walking, but the scale will not move. My lowest weight was 155 lbs, and now I'm at 195.  I want to get down to at least 170 lbs.  HELP !! I apologize if I'm not on the right forum, but hopefully you can provide some suggestions. Thank you.
on 11/5/07 11:05 am - CA
You could have had some hormone changes, or aging changes, or most probably diet changes in the last year. My advice - go back to basics.   You need to keep a diet diary, every day, everything you eat.  Put that diet diary into an on-line tracker to get a clear idea of where you are now.   You should track your exercise with type of activity, duration, and intensity. To lose weight, you need to eat less calories than you burn (you can eat less, or exercise more) Your best bet is to start where you are now.  You have a goal in mind.  You need to cut your calories a little to create a negative energy balance. If you drop your calories too low, while exercising, you can stop weight loss by putting your body into "starvation" mode. You can try it on your own.  If you find you are not getting the results you desire, consider making an appointment with a dietitian.  Your diet diaries and exercise journals will be extremely helpful in helping a dietitian 'fine tune' your eating to meet your goals. Good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

(deactivated member)
on 11/5/07 10:18 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
If you want to use an online food tracker, as the RD suggested, try or  Also, if you use a Palm Pilot or other PDA, you can buy similar food tracking software from (that's what I use).   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie
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