
N G.
on 11/5/07 1:42 am
RNY on 12/06/07 with
I am pre-op and wondering about hair loss, I've heard that taking Biotin helps?  Does anyone take this?  And what potency do you take, also does it help to start taking it before surgery? Thank you! Nancy
on 11/5/07 6:22 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Danielle answered a question about Biotin a few days ago -- I've cut and pasted it below (it's in bold). You can crush your capsule and take it with applesauce or sugar free pudding. My rule of thumb with meds is: "if it can fit through the size of a straw, it shouldn't get stuck". If it's bigger, cru**** (as long as it's OK with your MD). Your body produces biotin. Well, the bacteria in your intestines produce it. I know everyone loves to supplement it for hair loss, but there's no data out there to support it. There are studies that show biotin deficiency causing hair loss, but none showing hair re-growth with biotin supplementation. So far, malabsorption caused by WLS has not been identified as a cause of biotin deficiency and subsequent hair loss (that doesn't mean they are not related, but the data isn't there). In one study, biotin did make fingernails 25% thicker. That said, Your body absorbs biotin from food, recycles it, absorbs it from your gut bacteria (in the colon). It is a necessary nutrient, but your body has many mechanisms for absorbing it. Pharmacological doses are 1-10 mg (1000-10,000 mcg) for 2 weeks. Toxicity has not been reported even at doses of 200 mg. Usual intake from food is around 65 mcg. At high doses (1 mg), urinary excretion of biotin increases 50% - which means if you have healthy kidneys you should be able to get rid of the excess and the excess will be wasted. The bottom line: Higher doses appear safe if your kidney function is normal. If you take more than you need, you will create more expensive urine...
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
N G.
on 11/5/07 8:04 am
RNY on 12/06/07 with
Thank you for the information!
on 11/5/07 8:13 am, edited 11/5/07 8:14 am
I take BIOTIN 5mg (5000mcg) daily - it's a B vitamin, I think it was B9. I started it prior to my surgery and have continued it through to this very day. I also drink 80mg of protein, blah, blah, blah ... my hair started falling out about 3-4 months ago.  The fat in our bodies hold hormones, I believe that the breakdown of this fat releases the stored hormones thus causing hairloss. I could be very wrong, partially wrong, not wrong, right on target, who knows  - nobody for sure! I can tell you one thing about Biotin, if you need it, it will help. If you don't need it, it most likely won't do anything. It's water soluable so it won't be easy to overdose on. The 5mg (5000mcg) capsule I take is ... a capsule. I can open it up and take the powder out which doesn't have much of a taste, I could even chew it if I needed. I buy mine at a local (non-chain) health-food store. I hope this helps you with your decision on Biotin, I recommend it. I felt like it changed my hair, what I had.

Darn these infant sized shorts!
Meeting a Paramedic can be a shocking experience ~ "Web Medic"   

on 11/22/07 6:29 am - Indian Trail, NC
I also take biotin - I told my surgeon this, and he said it can't hurt, but do not be disappointed if I still have hair loss.  So the truth is, if you are the percentage that ends up with hair loss, chances are even biotin will not stop it.  I do notice my nails are getting a little stronger though. I am only about 1 month out from surgery, so I have not reached that stage yet where I may have hair loss.  Nonetheless, I'm taking the biotin.  I can't hurt.
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