So many different answers to this question....HOW MUCH SUGAR CAN WE CONSUME IN ONE SITTING? My nut told ,more than 2 grams of ADDED juice has 16 grams of sugar for 4 oz can...but no added sugar,(so that's o'k for me) I hear of people here DUMPING on everything from oatmeal to a silly cough drop???? Are these people maybe getting a reaction from eating toooooo quickly...or just toooooooo much???? and call it dumping? Someone just told me she can't drink orange juice has to dilute it, or she'll "dump" Is this word "dumping" getting out of control here? It's a wee bit scarey to think someone can actually dump on a cough drop!!!
Please answer this question for me....actually it's two much sugar can we consume and what about dumping? I know we are all different but there has to be some middle of the road answer here.
Please answer this question for me....actually it's two much sugar can we consume and what about dumping? I know we are all different but there has to be some middle of the road answer here.

There is no easy answer to your guestion.
Everyone is different and can dump on different things. SOME people NEVER DUMP otheres dump on very little sugar.
I'm 4 years out and still dump if I have to much of some things. Sugar is just one of the triggers. To much fat can do it also, fried foods.
Even at 4 years out I don't/can't drink OJ or any other fruit juice, to much sugar.
I have to watch out for SUGAR ALCOHOL. For me that is WORSE than regular sugar.
Again EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT this is a learning game for all of us to see IF WE DUMP and then WHAT WE DUMP on and HOW MUCH.
Good Luck,
4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss
The thing about dumping is that it is totally individual! And markedly unpleasant!
It can happen immediately after eating, or 1-3 hours post eating (I think this is where it gets associated with a cough drop, that's the last thing eaten so it must be the cause)
The physiologic reason for it is simple, too much food "dumps" into the intestine at once. In a delayed dumping situation, it is an osmotic reaction that occurs in the colon (not unlike the action of some laxatives).
Some people dump all the time, some people sometimes, many people never dump.
There are no hard, fast rules but here are some suggestions:
- avoid eating more than 25 g of carbohydrate at a time. For some, this amount is too high
- avoid high sugar foods. Low sugar is defined as less than 5 g sugar
- eat slowly, chew well, don't drink with your meals
- eat sugar alcohols in small amounts (sorbitol has a particularly strong laxative effect)
It is hard to be more specific because everybody's body is different.
Seems to me it usually ends up being a matter of trial and error, unfortunately.
Hope this helps (a little)
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
Thank-you both for your informative answers......
You have explained this so now I understand what happens! Thank-you....Your explanation of the "cough drop" made things crystal clear to me! LAST THING EATEN... kind of like the straw that broke the camels back! I was looking at it like a single little cough drop made someone "dump"????
this really puts things into perspective now.....
thanx, I see the light!! Not just a food can make you's how it's eaten, combination of foods etc. and to the speed it's digested too! Wow, so much to learn....
You have explained this so now I understand what happens! Thank-you....Your explanation of the "cough drop" made things crystal clear to me! LAST THING EATEN... kind of like the straw that broke the camels back! I was looking at it like a single little cough drop made someone "dump"????
this really puts things into perspective now.....
thanx, I see the light!! Not just a food can make you's how it's eaten, combination of foods etc. and to the speed it's digested too! Wow, so much to learn....

(deactivated member)
on 11/6/07 4:41 am - San Antonio, TX
on 11/6/07 4:41 am - San Antonio, TX
I try to keep it under 7g of sugar/serving - more than that and I definitely dump. It varies though, my soy has 7g/serving and it never bothers me, but I've dumped off a few grapes and also from about 1/4 apple. It does take a few minutes, 20 or so, so I can see how people might have a cough drop and then start feeling sick - think its the cough drop, but its really something they ate a half hour ago. My chewable vitamins had sugar and I missed a dose one morning, so I took two that evening on an empty stomach and dumped. If I'd had some food I might not have, but I felt really bad from just those two pills. It varies. Some people eat everything with no problems. Some people do fine as long as they have some protein at the same time. Some people say they are dumping when really the problem is that they ate too much or ate too fast and got sick.
Trial and error. Its not fun but I'm getting pretty good - I haven't dumped on anything in 2 weeks.
(deactivated member)
on 11/6/07 4:47 am - San Antonio, TX
on 11/6/07 4:47 am - San Antonio, TX
Oh and for how it feels, that also varies. I feel weak and tired, a little bit sick to my stomach, but the most disturbing symptom is a racing heart - it feels like its going to beat out of my chest. I lay down and it passes in 20-60 minutes generally. I don't throw up or have toilet issues, but some people do.
I have dumped on OJ - I added it to soy in a protein shake.
FYI also, if I eat too fast or too much and get sick its a whole different ballgame. No racing heart, heavy duty nausea, vomiting sometimes. If I eat something too dry or maybe don't chew well enough, its again completely different - that is the world of "foamies" where your stomach makes a bunch of mucous to lubricate itself and it fills up your tummy, comes up your throat, and is just nasty. THAT is usually when throwing up ensues.
Its all worth it though, and hopefully you learn from your mistakes.
Thank-You dunnyboctor,
I have yet to dump but...did have issues with wayyyyyyy too much peanut butter one day....i put it in a protein shake, I had such a craving I just dumped in two more than helping tablespoons in then proceeded to take a spoonful right there! Well I felt sick to my stomach as soon as I finished the shake....immediately said to myself...what have I done? Went down and read the label on jar and man oh man couldn't believe I just did that???? I got nauseated, and a wee bit lightheaded....but that was it! Maybe that was dumping for me maybe not.....It scared the hell out me....something that I needed I guess. I've been so careful and couldn't believe how stupid I was....oh well live and learn heh?
It's been a couple of weeks since I've had any peanut today put "1" TB in my protein shake, only to find it makes me feel so sick. So much for my beloved peanut butter!
thanx for your info.....
I have yet to dump but...did have issues with wayyyyyyy too much peanut butter one day....i put it in a protein shake, I had such a craving I just dumped in two more than helping tablespoons in then proceeded to take a spoonful right there! Well I felt sick to my stomach as soon as I finished the shake....immediately said to myself...what have I done? Went down and read the label on jar and man oh man couldn't believe I just did that???? I got nauseated, and a wee bit lightheaded....but that was it! Maybe that was dumping for me maybe not.....It scared the hell out me....something that I needed I guess. I've been so careful and couldn't believe how stupid I was....oh well live and learn heh?
It's been a couple of weeks since I've had any peanut today put "1" TB in my protein shake, only to find it makes me feel so sick. So much for my beloved peanut butter!
thanx for your info.....

Since dumping is such a frequently asked question (FAQ) we will be posting some information on the subject that will hopefully clear up a lot of the confusion. Stay tuned.....
Melania Behrens, MA, RD
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
Had the same exact thing happen with peanut butter about 6 weeks out, I had to lay down for a good 30 minutes and just wait for the icky feeling to go away. Have tried some peanut butter recently and did fine. Also recently had the same reaction to egg salad. Had it 2 days in a row, thought the first day was something else and then realized it was the egg salad by day 2. Its all hit and miss. I have had a few higher sugar things and not dumped at all, so think the fat might be the issue for me. My dumping never involves the bathroom or throwing up. Its just a very uncomfortable icky feeling in my tummy and then I get tired.