Caloric Intake
Good Afternoon!
This seems to be a common question, but I still need to ask. I tried to ask my nutritionist, but she gave me an ounce guideline for meals, not a caloric guideline. I would like to know about how many calories I should be consuming a day. I had my surgery in March 07. I dance 4 nights a week, intense cardio (Monday - 3 hours, Tuesday - 1.5 hours, Wednesday - 2 hours, Thursday - 3 hours). I also try to walk on my off days. I do try to eat well, but I am not sure what level I should be at for calories. I have already been told to increase my protein, I am at about 60 g a day right now, and my water, but I don't know what else to do because I don't know what other nutritional guidelines there are. I know that each surgeon is different, but I don't like just going by how many oz of food I am eating. I am way too much a control freak to just go by that.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
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I am stealing this idea! My weight on Jupiter: 508.2, Mars: 81, and the Sun: 5820.4
Congrats to all of our Former Members. We love you.
I am stealing this idea! My weight on Jupiter: 508.2, Mars: 81, and the Sun: 5820.4
Hi Cynthia!
I do know the more you exercise the more you need to take in. I'm 3 months out and I typicallly get around 900 to 1000 calories per day. I haven't exercised like I should due to weather conditions (poor excuse) but when I DO I will up my calories. I believe Terri tries to take in about 3000 per day.
It's kind of ridiculous that your NUT won't give you a specific or an average. Since I'm not a professional I wouldn't even try to guesstimate. I do know that if you are exercising as much as you are that you should need a bit more than those that don't. When I worked out daily, I probably ate 2500 per day. But that was 100 years ago! ;)
I'll be very interested to see what advice you receive from the professionals. I am LOVING this area of OH. It is extremely helpful!
Thank you for posting this question. I am 8 weeks post op and I asked my NUT what the average calorie intake I should consume is, the average fat %, average sat fat %, avg sugar %, etc etc. etc. I wanted to make sure I was staying under everything to know what to expect.
I created an excel spreadsheet with all the colums and printed it into a binder so I can keep track daily - more or less to get use to it so, long term I can start recognizing things easier.
I was told I shouldn't even concern myself with these things. But I find I need to know. So now I've been told I'm obsessing.