7 days post op what can I have for supper!!!

on 10/30/07 7:33 am - springfield, MA
Post Date: 10/30/07 2:29 pm
Hello, I am on day 7 post op.  I have been on protein shakes and clear liquids...  I am straving and if I have another protien shake ... I am going to gage..     It there anything else I can eat?    besides protein shakes and tea and water.....      I also had some chicken broth  but it doesn't taste will anything..... 

I can not find my diet list from the doctor....  his office is closed.    wanting something for supper


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on 10/30/07 8:24 am - Raleigh, NC
My Dr. had me on Pureed foods 2 days after surgery. So I don't know about the clear liquid thing.  If chicken broth isn't doing it for you, have you tried Vegetable Broth? I found between Chicken, beef and Vegetable, after RNY, the Veg broth is OOOOOOOh so good.

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on 10/30/07 9:56 am - Sanford, NC
This doesn't give you any protein, but is a good break in between for some additional flavor...how about some Sugar Free Jello?  Just make sure it's sugar free!
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on 11/8/07 11:43 pm - Sylacauga, AL
Hi! I'm almost at the end of my second week post-op (10/30/07) and I'm bored to tears with my diet. However the first two weeks I can only have a clear liquid diet (clear broth, sf jello, sf popsicles, water,and protein shakes). My 3-4 week I can have pureed vegetables, pureed chicken or fish, mash potatoes and peas. Then my 5th week I can introduce solid food as tolerated. I hope you find something that will tide you over until you can have some real food. I'm trying to hang in there myself. Good Luck!!!

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