I need help for my son....

Kenna C.
on 10/30/07 2:50 am - Demopolis, AL
My son is 8 1/2 and 120 lbs. We have been told by our Urologist he needs to lose a good bit of weight before June because he needs surgery. (Circumcision revision) We are working hard to get plenty of exercise but we are at a loss for diet? I have had lap band surgery and mostly eat protien. My husband is recently diagnosed with High Blood pressure and most likely a diabetic and is overweight. Our daughter is 14 and 180 lbs. We are all in such need for help. We just don't know where to start. We have been told to do atkins but I'm not sure if that is right for the kids. Can you please offer some advice. I want my family to get this weight off for good and be healthy. Hunter especially only has a short amount of time to get some of the weight off.

New year...New  begining..............

on 10/30/07 2:57 am - Costa Mesa, CA
The answer you are seeking is very individual and surely needs 1:1 couseling with a Registered Dietitian - try to find someone with pediatric experience. I am a pediatric dietitian, but to answer you, I would need to do a full family assessment. My advice is talk to a dietitian and get some professional advice. If you have an RD already, make an appointment. You can find one in your area by contacting the American Dietetic Association at www.eatright.org . Or you can use an on-line service. Sorry I can't help on this forum.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
on 10/30/07 3:07 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Although, I can offer the following: 1. Atkins diet is never recommend for children. Dr. Atkins designed his diet for adults only. 2. Take a good look at your pantry --- what is in it for children to eat? If you have junk food in there - toss it. 3. What are they eating at school? If it isn't healthy, pack their lunch & snacks. 4. Are they exercising? Do they spend more time watching TV than exercising? If so, set TV limits. 5. What are they eating for meals? Are you cooking? Are you buying fast food? Are you using frozen foods? Where can you improve? This is where a dietitian will start. He or she will take a good look at your family eating habits. You can start by doing a self-assessment.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
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